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Everyone was crowded around Angels bed, even Cherri had stopped her turf war to be there, they were explaining to Angel what he had missed, which wasn't much. Most of the time they were all just sad about Angel being in the hospital, but they did have many new clients to talk about.
"And Rose died just after her 18th birthday, she's really nice actually. The reason she was put in hell was for killing her parents, but they did abuse her and insult her like non-stop. But she's actually really serious about redemption, she's really sweet!" Charlie rambled about her personal favourite clients and Angel nodded, giggling.

Angel listened and looked over to Alastor, who gave her a bright smile, Angel smiled back.
"Hey, sorry to interrupt you Charlie dear, but can you check the time?" Angel had seen Alastor checking his watch a couple of times, looking over at Vaggie and sharing glances with her, he didn't understand what it meant though. Charlie stopped talking and quickly looked at the time on Angels bedside table, her eyes widened. Angel cocked his head to one side,
"Uhh, what's going on guys?" Angel asked nervously, he was sure something was up, he could tell.

Everyone shared a few knowing glances at eachother nodded, Charlie gestured to Alastor, who had an even larger grin on his face,
"Nothing important darling! Just some business to attend to, we have to leave now I'm afraid, otherwise we'll be late!" Everyone nodded in agreement, for some reason this confused Angel more, what could they possibly be doing that was so important? He looked into Alastor's eyes and saw flames, he saw pure rage bubbling in his soul, he saw it instantly,
"Wait? What are you guys doin'?" Angel asked again, they hadn't been specific about what the 'business' exactly was.

Everyone stood up and Charlie looked in her pocket for her car key, she handed it to Alastor and he smiled as a thank you. Husk and Nifty left the room and waved goodbye to Angel, followed by Vaggie, who smiled softly and waved goodbye. Charlie and Alastor were the last to leave, right before Alastor shut the door he gave Angel one last, evil grin,
"Don't worry about it my love, I'll tell you when we've returned..." He shut the door gently before Angel could say anything else, leaving him on his own, in his hospital bed, almost worried for what his friends were planning.

Alastor shut the door and gave Charlie a thumbs up, she grinned evilly and her horns sprouted, her eyes turning a dark red. They both chuckled maniacally and made their way towards Charlie's limo, where their friends waited. Once they had left the hospital they laughed even louder, Alastor's horns grew and his eyes went a dark red colour, almost black.

Alastor opened the door for Charlie, she giggled,
"After you my dear..." He said with a chuckle. She entered the driver's seat and he sat right next to her,
"Let's go kill that bastard~" Charlie said in response, turning the key and speeding away from the hospital. In the back of the limo Vaggie handed out weapons which she had stashed in the boot, if they needed more she had brought extra. She gave most of the bombs to Cherri, obviously. Husker had a flamethrower and Nifty held many knives which she was juggling while giggling hysterically. Vaggie had two large guns which she made sure we're fully loaded, keeping extra ammo in her pockets.

Charlie sped down to the porn studio as fast as she could, they knew he would be leaving soon to do, stuff, but he was just finishing a shoot which ment they had a chance of catching him. Charlie could hear Alastor's static forming and slowly getting louder, for once, she agreed with it.
"Is everyone ready? We should be a couple minutes away now." Charlie called, adjusted her mirror so that she could see her friends. They all nodded and put their thumbs up, she smiled and sped up some more.

Charlie pulled up at the studio and they all quickly got out of the car. Charlie made sure one last time everyone had something to defend themselves and that everyone knew who they were going for,
"Of course we do, now let's fuck this overlord up!" Husk shouted, everyone cheered in agreement and they rushed into the building, weapons held high and ready for anything.

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