We're here

511 21 17

Charlie woke up to the sound of a telephone ringing, she groaned. Vaggie turned over,
"Can you get it Hun..." Vaggie grumbled, lifting her sleeping mask up just slightly. Charlie just nodded in response and turned on her side, facing her bedside table, where the telephone sat still ringing. She picked it up and as cheerfully as she could she said,
"Hello? Charlie Morningstar speaking..." Charlie said, sitting up with the phone in her right hand,
"Hello, this is Doctor. Zenovick speaking, it's Angel Dust." Charlie gasped and put a hand to her mouth quickly to let him speak. Vaggie heard and took her sleeping mask fully off.
"He's been a little unstable for a while now, but his heartbeat is getting quicker and he seems to be struggling in his bed, we don't know what it means but, it might be good or might be... The opposite." The Doctor finished, hesitating at the end.

Charlie quickly took in all of this new information, Vaggie sat up and squeezed Charlie's hand, she knew this was from the hospital based on how Charlie was reacting,
"We'll be right there..." Charlie quickly said, slamming the phone down and getting out of the bed quickly,
"Hon? What's going on is he okay?!" Vaggie asked, getting out of bed aswell as Charlie rushed to put her clothes on,
"I'll explain in the car! Get dressed, I need to go tell the others." Was all she could say, she left the room, and Vaggie quickly put her clothes on aswell.

Charlie went straight to Alastor and told him first, he snapped his fingers and immediately got into his normal suit. Charlie went to get Husk and Nifty and they were ready just as fast. Alastor teleported them to the hospital before Charlie could even get in the car, Charlie tried to explain as best she could, but she didn't have enough information. Alastor rushed them to Angels ward.

Everything was happening so quickly, Charlie was unsure of what was going on, the call, what did it mean? Was Angel going to be okay? Or was that the last time they were going to see there dearest friend?

They all made their way down the hall, Alastor shoved people out of his way, he slammed onto the wall, some even slamming through it. They opened the ward door, actually the door flew off of its hinges as they all slammed their weights against it. They were all given annoyed and confused looks by doctors, who were all crowded around Angel.

They all started exiting the room quickly as they saw more people entering the room, as the last few doctors exited the room, making room for the staff as they were kind of afraid of, one doctor stopped,
"Hey, uh his condition isn't fully stable, it will go up, don't panic, but if it continues to go up call us okay? By the way I don't understand why you still want him to live, most demons give up by now and continue their afterlives like nothing happend, so it's pretty rare to see something like this." The doctor said, gesturing to Angel a couple of times,
"Thanks, we'll definitely call if something happens." Charlie replied,

The final doctor left the room and they were all left alone, with Angel. After all of that chaos and craze over getting to Angel it was weird just hearing silence. The only thing they heard was the fast heart monitor beeping and Angels raspy breath which was bearly heard unless you listened closely.

Charlie took a deep breath, and approached the bed. Alastor was already by Angels side and had been since they entered the room, he watched Angel without an expression, holding Angels hand. They all crowded around Angel, just simply watching him, his bandaged up arms, his chest rising and falling, just watching.

But what were they waiting for? The movement of an arm? His eyes opening? Just something to let them know he's there, with them.
"Angel?.." Charlie tried to call his name, she didn't know what to expect really, it's not like she was going to get a response anyway,
"Heh.. That was stupid, it's not like he's going to answer anyway..." Charlie mumbled, laughing softly. These laughs slowly turned into cries, which turned into sobs, until Charlie was sobbing into her hands.

Vaggie quickly came towards her and comforted her,
"Calm down Hun... Calm down... It's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine..." Vaggie repeated, trying to comfort her girlfriend as best she could.
"What if we never see him again? Charlie said, looking up at her with tear filled eyes, Vaggie sighed heavily and hugged her girlfriend,
"Don't say that, Angel is Angel, he will survive this, he's too strong to give up." Vaggie stated, she really believed it too, she was sure he would make it through this, he would, he needed to.

Charlie wiped her tears and leaned against Vaggies shoulder for comfort, she really wanted to believe Vaggie, and she really tried, but there was still a part of her that was unsure about wether he would be okay or not. They stayed by his side for a while, not speaking, just thinking.

After a while Alastor spoke,
"So, why are we here?" Everyone looked at him in confusion,
"Why wouldn't we be here? There is news on Angel Alastor!" Vaggie said, not understanding if he heard what Charlie had explained before or not. Alastor just nodded,
"I understand, but he seems fine, nothing seems to have changed, let's just leave." He got out of his slouching position and started making his way to the door. They all just looked in shock, didn't Alastor care about Angel? Why did he just want to leave so quickly?

As Alastor walked to the door he felt a hand wrap around his wrist, his eyes widened. He snapped his neck around and looked at who grabbed him, it was Nifty. His eyes softened as he looked at her, keeping a strained smile on his face,
"Al? Why do you want to leave..?" Nifty asked, clinging onto his sleeve and forcing him to bend down. He looked into Nifty's sad eye and sighed,
"I don't want to be here, could we leave?" He asked more politely this time. They looked at him still slightly confused, did he still think it was his fault, why?

Once more Charlie repeated,
"Al, it's not your fault, what happened wasn't your fault." She tried to tell him, but was distracted by the machine which was beeping louder,
"Yes, I know, but it's a little hard to forget don't you think... I just-" Alastor tried not to lose his cool, as they spoke both of their heads turned to the machine, which was beeping louder and louder.

Everyone looked over at the machine, Alastor should've took this as an opportunity, maybe he could leave the hospital now. But instead he found himself by Angels side again, holding his hand once more, squeezing it. Charlie put a hand on his shoulder, she knew he was fighting himself right now, trying to stop himself from loving Angel, sparing himself the pain. But she also saw the spark in his eye, the way it lit up when he would see Angel laugh, when he heard there was news on him. They all new if Alastor ever fell in love, it would be tougher to let himself be loved then to love the person.

The machine wasn't slowing down though, Angels body started moving, his arms shaking and his legs kicking. Charlie looked for the calling button, the one to call the doctor's, but she couldn't see it anywhere, Angels breathing became uneven and they were all starting to panic now. Alastor held on to Angels hand, mumbling things to him and to himself. Charlie shouted for anyone to come help, but no doctors were around the area, what great luck.

Just as suddenly as the movement and panic came, it all disappeared. Angel stopped moving, stopped breathing, everyone just stopped, looking at Angel. They didn't realize what had just happened, Charlie continued to call for help, look for some sort of button. The silence was so much worse then the noise, Vaggie was breathing heavily, almost whispering Angels name, what had just happened. Alastors eyes widened at the sudden stop of breath, he grabbed both of Angels hands,
"Angel!? Angel?! We're here, we're here Angel, we're not going anywhere!" He smiled, he just kept squeezing Angels hands, his breath quiet and slow, just like Angels, you could bearly know if it was there or not.

Suddenly Angel took a really deep breath and sat up, his eyes fluttered open and he groaned,

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