Can you hear me screaming please don't leave me.

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'Lying on the floor when I brake through...'

"Angel!" He screamed, it was a pained shout, full of sorrow and fear as he saw the one he loved covered in blood. He collapsed over Angel and tears fell from his face onto Angels bloody wounds. He had a knife near him, probably the clatter from right before Angel collapsed. His arms did not stop blessing, all four covered in scratches and cuts, extremely deep. His sweater was covered in blood and so was the side of his cheek.

He was even paler than usual despite being white, his face had tear marks on his cheeks and one final tear dropped onto Alastor's finger, only making him more upset. He was now mumbling to himself staring at Angels unresponsive body.

'I pull you in and feel your heartbeat... Can you here me screaming please don't leave me?'

He pulled Angel close to his chest, tears pouring down his eyes. Angels blood stained his suit, but he really didn't care. The door suddenly opened and all of the staff came into the room, confused and slightly annoyed. Alastor was facing away from the others caressing Angel, the others couldn't see who he was holding. They did however see the pool of blood around him and blood all over the bathroom for that matter, aswell as the pink knife that sat next to his leg,
"Alastor! What's going on!?" Vaggie shouted, clutching her spear and stepping Infront of Charlie.

'Hold on I still want you.'

Alastor's head perked up as he heard the others. He slowly stood up, holding Angel bridal style, clutching Angels arms to try to stop the bleating. He could feel Angels extremely slow heartbeat next to his own extremely fast-beating heart, along with his extremely shallow slow breathing. He was still crying, he didn't care who saw it, his only focus was the seemingly lifeless body he held.

The others saw Angels blood stained fur and immediately recognised him. Alastor turned to face them, for a moment he had a frown on his face, it slowly turned into a smile. Vaggies spear fell to the ground as she saw Angel, Charlie put a hand to her mouth and gasped, whimpering as tears came to her eyes. Husks eyes just widened and he looked down at Alastor, nothing but shock on his face.

Alastor started laughing. He just started laughing, there was nothing more to it, he clutched Angels body tight and with tears still streaming down his face, he just laughed. The others were all frozen in place, they didn't know if Angel had been killed by Alastor, but why would he give such a reaction, and was he crying?

'Come back I still need you.'

Vaggie stepped into action when she realised Angel was still losing blood, she came up to Alastor who was still laughing hysterically,
"We need to get him to a hospital!" Vaggie shouted at the others. They all listened and tried desperately to help their friend, trying to take Angel away from Alastor. Alastor would not let go, as they approached static got louder, but it was not normal, nothing about him was obviously. But the static sounded like, mumbling? It sounded like some sort of speaking, they listened closer  as the pulled Angel from him, Alastor gripping on tightly. Nifty was the first to realise the phrase being repeated over and over again through the static,
'please don't leave me'

They finally pulled Angel off him, he was shouting and trying to get Angel back, he held his hand and didn't let go. Vaggie looked at his and Nifty and gestured to Alastor, a sad expression on her face. The two friends tackle-hugged Alastor, making him let go of Angels hand. The two friends held him tight, tears in Nifty's eyes as she had to restrain her friend. Alastor screamed and tried to go back to Angel, but he was so weak from breaking the shield he had no power left. He sank onto his knees and cried, his friends took away Angel, opening the door quickly.

'Let me take your hand I'll make it right.'

Alastor stood up solemnly and let his friends guide him out of the room. Alastor had stopped laughing and struggling, making it easier for his friends. They wanted to put him in the back of Charlie's limo but they thought he seemed to really care about Angel, so they placed him next to Angel, his eyes coming back to life when he saw Angel. He sat right next to him and held him once more, mumbling something. Husk sat next to him and Vaggie and Nifty sat behind them, Charlie driving as quickly as she could to the hospital.

'Swear to love you all my life.'

Alastor watched Angel as Charlie drove, he couldn't take his eyes of Angel. He was covered in blood and had a tear in his eye, his arms were in full view and you could see the deep gashes in his arms. Alastor squeezed his hand, his face expressionless. Vaggie looked at him in worry, it's almost scared her to see Alastor like this.

'Hold on I still need you.'

Vaggie was the first to speak, she needed to get answers from Alastor,
"Al, what happened? You need to tell us."  Vaggie asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. Alastor cracked his neck round to look at Vaggie, making her uncomfortable. He put on a weak smile and the tears she thought she saw were now gone,
"Well none of you ever noticed? Wow. Angels been having problems, with himself... He... Well he and I... And then when I found him... I thought he'd stopped, but there was a knife and we'll... It's quite obvious..." Alastor turned away from Vaggie quickly, what a state he was in. Vaggies eyes went wide, why had they never noticed? She should have listened to Charlie, she knew something was up, she couldn't believe it.

'Long endless highway, your silent beside me. Driving this nightmare I can't escape from. Helplessly praying the light isn't fading. Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones.'

Everyone remained silent after that conversation, Alastor was deep in thought about what had just happened, was it his fault? Yes, it was completely his fault, it was his fault he had come into Angels life, he had only broken things more. He held back his tears as he looked at the silent Angel beside him, why did he feel so weak all of a sudden? Like he couldn't heal Angel ever again.

Charlie pulled up at the hospital and everyone quickly got out. Charlie helped Alastor carry Angel k to the hospital, both of them were covered in Angels blood. The burst through the doors and some people gasped as they saw the princess of hell covered in blood next to a crying radio demon, shocking. Alastor didn't take his eyes of Angel and Charlie demanded they have a room, her red eyes glowing bright and her horns showing. The nurse nodded and called a doctor using a dark crimson telephone which she quickly dialed, hands shaking.

'They took you away on a table, I pace back and fourth as you lay still.'

A few moments later a doctor with am annoyed look on his face arrived carrying a table, his eyes widened slightly at the patient that stood before him. Alastor and Charlie gently placed him on the table, making sure not to harm Angel anymore than he already was. The doctor gulped and started moving the table away from the staff, into a ward nearby. Alastor's protectiveness kicked in as he realised Angel was being taken away from him. He reacted and pushed past Charlie and grabbed the table, shouting.

'They pull you in and feel your heartbeat, can you here me screaming PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!'

Alastor screamed and the others pulled him back, Charlie was now crying even harder as she restrained Alastor, it pained her to do this. The doctor quickly went into the ward and using a this time light red phone requested more nurses to come and help him.

The pushed Alastor onto one of the chairs, by this time all of the other demons in the waiting room were long gone in fear of what the radio demon could do. Alastor tried to get up but they pleaded for him to stay. Vaggie told the others what Alastor told him, well, what they didn't already hear. They all agreed they had to ask Alastor about more once he had calmed down more, they didn't want to cause him more pain by remembering so soon.

Alastor watched the nurses rush into the room with many machines, bandages, ect... He wore a dead expression on his face, not a smile in sight, he had wiped the tears from his face and he seemed like he was in his own world, static forming around him and closing him off from the others.

All they could do now was wait, see what would happen next, see if Angel would be okay. Everything was silent, no one wanted to speak until they were sure Angel was at least semi-stable. So they all stood in the empty waiting room, staring at the ward door and hearing clanking and shouting from the other side, this was obviously quite serious.

(Hey everyone sorry I've been gone for so long, I'm having a vacation in France and haven't really been writing that much, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Love you all and have a great day!!!💖💖💖)

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