ºDance With Me Puddingº

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It's been almost a month since I found out about Kuro's diagnoses and honestly things haven't been going well enough. We visited doctors for updates countless times, each time worst than the last. Nonetheless, Kuro never complained about anything nor did he show any sign of worry. He seemed confident in the fact that he would recover.

"It seems like your condition is getting worse and worse Kuroo, you may need to be hospitalized soon" The doctor said one day during one of the check ups. I gulped but Kuro didn't seem at all surprised, almost like he was expecting it.

"I understand" He smiled glancing at me and back at the doctor "How soon doc?"

"Mmm, spend a couple days at home and maybe visit a hospital for the rest" He scribbled something down on a piece of paper before handing it to him.

"Got it" Kuro grabbed the paper and stuffed it in his pocket.

"You may leave now, remember to drink lot's of fluids, get a lot of rest, and do inform me or your hospital if anything serious happens" He smiled, his eyes crinkling in the process.

We both nodded and left the clinic. It was near the end of August at this point. I had just realized how long Kuro and I had been together for. It had been 6 months but it all felt like it went by so fast...too fast.

"Thanks for coming with me Kenma" I could tell he was smiling even though my eyes were focused on the sidewalk. There was a soft drizzle outside but the evening sun shone through the pink and orange sky. 

I love the rain, I always have. I've always sound some sort of peace in it. I held up my hand and felt raindrops fall into it causing me to smile softly.

Kuro looked over to me and seemed to be fighting back a smile himself. We were holding hands, mainly because Kuro needed the support, his body was getting weaker each day, but it gave me an excuse to hold his hand and help him at the same time so I didn't mind.

As we reached my house Kuro pulled me into the backyard instead on going inside.

"Kuro the front door is that way" I said loud enough for him to hear.

"Well yeah I know that" He rolled his eyes as he closed the backyard gate. I felt the rain get a bit heavier, dampening my hair.

"Kuro the rain is getting harder, you're already...sick you shouldn't be out in this weather-" He cut me off with a small kiss.

"Dance with me pudding"

"In the rain?" I asked looking him in the eyes and he nodded "Kuro I really don't think-"

"Please? I've always wanted to" He protested.


"Please! I...might not get a chance after this" He muttered.

I sighed before cracking a small smile. He put one of his hands on my shoulder reluctantly to which I did the same.

He put a hand on my waist and I saw the smile in his eyes.

We did circles around the yard, tripping over each other and splashing puddles that soaked our clothing.

I laughed out loud as he tried spinning me around by the hand but I ended up tripping and falling into his chest. He laughed with me, his hair soaked and somehow not flat. 

I felt the hair tie holding my bun together loosen and fall out landing into the soil of my garden bed. The wind blew my hair everywhere but unlike usual I didn't mind.

It was a sacred moment, it was as if it was only the two of us in the world. All my fears had washed away, I forgot all about the fact that this could be the last time Kuro and I would ever get to do something like this.

. . .

"Here you go" I smiled softly and handed the bouquet to Kuro. They were the same flowers I had given him when I confessed my feelings, white with a ring of pink in the middle.

"What's this for?" He asked taking the bouquet graciously.

"No reason, I know they're your favorite and they're the same as when I confessed so uh I thought you'd like it" I looked away sheepishly.

"Thank you" He held it delicately, as if it was a sacred item.

"You don't need to thank me" I pulled him into a quick hug.

"Greetings, my name is Doctor Glory and I've been assigned to you for your stay here at the blossoming hospital" She smiled and sat down at her chair. I shifted awkwardly beside the hospital bed.

The rest of the Doctor's words drowned out of my head as I looked out the window waiting for her to finish. I didn't want to know what she was saying but I also did...I wanted to know what was happening to my boyfriend.

"In other words you'll be spending quite some time in here." I noticed that she talked kind of strange, as if she had a period at the end of each sentence she spoke.

"And I'm nurse Himi∼" I hadn't even realized there was another person in the room.

"And I'm Nurse Lee" Okay what the actual fuck is going on...it's like they are popping out of nowhere. Unless.....

"So we have your prescription right here and you got this from doctor Kasumi correct?" Nurse Lee put down a clipboard and turned to face us.

"That's right" Kuro smiled at them.

"Well then everything else seems to be in check from what Gl- I mean Doctor  Glory has told us so we're just gonna go" Himi smiled awkwardly.

"I believe we should be asking more than this-" Glory started.

"Shh this is a Kuroken story we aren't supposed to be here for so long!" Himi whisper yelled. What is Kuroken and what do they mean story?

"Stop breaking the fourth wall dumb fucks" Lee argued. I would have commented about how it was kind of unprofessional to be cussing on the job but before I knew it they were gone.





Please excuse the light commentary with the nurses and doctor they are some of my friends ,it was an inside joke and that part was just to lighten up the mood since this book is going to get pretty angsty from here on out so prepare yourselves. Anyway that's all have a nice day.

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