ºthird wheelingº

203 5 7

TW: mentions of verbal and slight physical abuse and panic attacks

Friday June 15th 7:01 PM

"Hey hey hey!!" I flinched as a man burst through the door, his enthusiastic face dropped as he saw Kuro's condition. He looked somewhat familiar but I couldn't put my finger on where I've seen him before.

"Bokuto you should quiet down a bit, let Kuro rest" Another man said from behind him, I wasn't sure I'd seen him before though.

I cleared my throat to catch their attention.

"Oh hi Kenma" The first guy grinned and suddenly I realized who he was.

*insert flashback*

"Ah so your Kenma. Kuroo has told me lots about you."

"Yes ,yes... it is you. I remember his description very clearly. The cute gamer boy who's roots are growing out."

*end flashback*

"You're that guy Bokuto from the coffee shop" I stated and he nodded vigorously "But...why didn't you come visit Kuro earlier? It's been months since he was in the hospital"

There was suddenly a hint of guilt in his owl like eyes "I moved overseas with my boyfriend Akaashi and didn't even find out until last month when it was all over twitter, I left as soon as I could and flew right back with Akaashi"

I glanced behind him and saw the other man shifting uncomfortably behind him.

"So I'm guessing you're Akaashi?" I asked awkwardly and he nodded, relaxing a bit.

"Well the important thing is that we're here now! So don't worry Kenma you'll have lot's of company from now on!" The bi-colored man flashed a smile, I wasn't sure if his statement was a good or bad thing but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't lonely. I nodded and glanced back at Kuro, sleeping soundly in his bed.

Each day his condition only seemed worse and worse, sometimes he'd wake up from a coughing fit and startle me to death, others he'd just lay in bed motionlessly, enjoying the rare sleep he got ever since being hospitalized.

"So visiting hour is almost over, would you like to come over to my place or something" I offered, truthfully I was a bit nervous of inviting strangers to my home but they were friends of Kuro so I supposed it was fine.

Bokuto turned to Akaashi and they had a silent conversation before Akaashi smiled small and nodded.

"Uh great so I'll just grab my things I guess and we can go?"

"Sure" Bokuto stepped out with Akaashi supposedly to give me some privacy. I grabbed my bag and gave Kuro a quick kiss on the forehead before rushing out of the room.


We reached my place and I welcomed them in. It was evening now and the now setting sun shone through my windows giving the apartment a gentle glow.

"So what would you both like to do?" I asked as I set my bag down on the carpet, motioning for them to do the same.

"Well Bokuto and I were planning on watching a movie tonight so I guess we could do that" I smiled and nodded turning towards Bokuto asking a silent question of approval.

"That sounds fun! Our first time hanging out together we should watch an action movie!"

Akaashi shrugged at that, "I'd prefer horror".

"Kuro would hate that.." I chuckled to myself.

"No not a horror movie that's too scary!" Bokuto pouted in Akaashi's direction.

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