Before the Teleport

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"Yo ꓤ̴̢͚̪͑̐̔Ǝ̸͖̺̠͑̿̕⅄̵̺͕͖͋͑͝∀̵̞͉̼̐̓͝⅂̵͇̻̞͐͐͝Ԁ̸͎̺͙̾̿͠ Ǝ̵̫͔̞̀̈́͝ᥕ̵̡͎̘͆̔͆∀̴̠̪̝͒̿N̸̪͕̠̓̓͘ O̴̟̫̻͆͝N̸̘͇͔͑͝͝. How ya doing man?"

I turned to look at my friend, 𝕱𝕴𝕹𝕹

I smiled. After everything that happened to me.
He still stuck by my side. It was as if I was Batman and he was Alfred.

I was really popular in my school.

I was known for beating people up. Specifically, the assholes. I also grew up without a family. They all died in a massacre.

I was known at my old school as "The Defender."

Everything went well until... well, the event.

I don't like talking about it so I'm going to resume what's happening.

"Hey pal. I've been good. And you?"

"Things have been chill. You're like, the coolest of this school."

I chuckled.

"Heh. Guess I am. I may be cool but. If there's one thing I know is that the coolest person here is the guy in front of me. He's compassionate, calm, and a loyal friend."

The bell rang. With that I grabbed his hand and ran to class.

"Mr ﻞ̵̢̡̢̢̢͔͔̠͙̫̺̺̫͖̙͙͍̺͕̟̫͔̦͎̀̐α̵̡̢̢̢̻͇͎̘͔͉̠͖͙͓̦̟̞̻͉͔̘͍̫͙̈́͊͝ɳ̵̢̢̢̢̝͔̻͉͍͓͚̞̪̞͚̝̘̝͍͙̙͙̫̽̐̽͜ҽ̸̡̦̻͚̺̻͕͓̝̟̘͕̻̠͓̺͍͍͕̫͙͚͌̾͐ɾ̴͓̻͕͖͙͔̺̝̫̘̝̺̻͔͇̺̘͎͖̫͕̫̓̈́͘͜ട̸̢̡̠̞̞͚̫̼̫̼̘̙͉͉͙͉͇͎͕̼͍͔̈́̿̀͜σ̴̡̘͙̻͖̪̠̟͉̼̘͉̝̦̝͙͎̺̼̟͍̪̈́͘͝ɳ̴̡͙͚̘̺̙̦̝̞͉͔͉͉̝̟͖͓͚̼̙͚̦̦̒͑͜͝ and Mr 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙻𝙾𝚂𝚃, do you mind explaining to us why you are 5 minutes late?"

"Sorry teach. We got lost in the East corridor."

She nodded in understanding. I wasn't lying either. I was lost in the corridor until my friend came to talk to me. I had spent the whole time walking. Kids got lost easily in that area.

"Well then. Please take a seat."

With that me and my friend went to our seats and began to pull out our notebooks. I paused to noticed something gleaming in my backpack.

My eyes widened as I remembered what I did that day. The day of THE Event. Flashbacks of blood and screaming came back to mind. I shook my head and tore my eyes away from the set of spiked metal gauntlets.

'This is just a normal day.' I thought to myself.

With that class started.

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