Getting an Ability

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What a beautiful day in the void.

You know, just the eternal silence, the endless space, just some random limbs floating around. You know the usu-

Wait... floating limbs.

Oh that's right.

Geo's doing a challenge.

A daily mission, to be exact.

He'll get a special item every time he succeeds. If he dies then it doesn't matter. He'll be teleported and revived back to where he was before teleportation to the void.

Anyways, back to Geo.


I was, at that moment, fighting these weird humanoid monsters.

And by weird I mean, the fact that they explode after I slice their jaws.

Oh and did I forget to mention the fact that they have terrifying mouths.

Anyways, I am doing a decent job at surviving so far, I just wasn't expecting to take damage this time.

Bloodied and bruised, I managed. Now I am here, looking at the Abilities I could unlock.


Potential Ability Level: 1-400

Hand to hand combat skills are mostly recommended for this ability. Aside from that this ability is plain and simple. Ability effects still unknown.


Potential Ability Level: 1-20

Can increase power and speed only. Pyrokinesis can be done with this ability.


Potential Ability Level: 1-100

Summon powerful gusts of wind through your hands and feet. Gain the ability to fly.
Increases speed only.

"Hmmm." It seems I am lost in thought.

I wonder what Ability I should get.

I looked once more over the potential ability levels.


I pressed the button to my ability.



Ability found!

Powering player up.

Ability gained!

Ability Level is now the level you are currently at.

Ability Level: 68

Your Level: 68

Power Level: 20

Speed Level: 8

Defense Level: 30

Healing Level: 10

Mastery Level: 1

'Why is Mastery Level still 1?'

Mastery Level represents your understanding and skill with your ability. Currently it is still at 1 due to just gaining an ability.


Short Chapter I know.

But anyway. I wonder which ability will be the one Geo choose

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