An Unnecessary Explanation

467 6 13

I'm alive.

Fun and unimportant fact: Geo's gauntlets have two big spikes on where the knuckles are. They are powered up by batteries that are in between the gloves and the metal. Time to explain how the gauntlets/gloves work.

The gauntlets, without the EXE Blade's form, are separated into three sections. The glove (AKA Geo's Father's gift), the rubber covering it, and the metal outer part. (Keep in mind, there are wires that extend towards the two big spikes on each gauntlet.) I don't know that much and I probably am taking a wild leap here but whatever. The rubber inside is preventing the electricity from reaching his gloves. Thanks to that the gauntlets can deal lots of damage without damaging its user.

The EXE Blade has kinda changed the gauntlets. It has completely destroyed the battery, yet the spikes glow with more electricity than any other time it's been used. Remember everything I am going to talk about. What I just told you foreshadows more about [Ɲⲙ∈ ⊂𝜏∈'] past. Anyway back to the gauntlets/gloves. The electricity of the batteries was much stronger than the electricity in the EXE Blade. Teora and Earth have different rules in their worlds such as weight, nature, reality and some laws of physics etc. are all defied or twisted in Teora.

The rules of Earth still apply on its inhabitants. No matter their area. Time and space has ripped for any inhabitant that has been pulled away from Earth. If lucky enough, they could return to Earth... though let's just say that no one would know who they are. Much worse they could return to Earth at any time period. But like I said, no one would know who they are.

Even if they returned to Earth it would be as if a ghost were near them. Yet no one would even know they're there. It will be a bit different for Geo though. Because unlike other people who have attempted escape, he's is currently in the most advance. He will  and SHALL be known to you all as [Existence Fading 10] .

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. -..- .. ... - . -. -.-. . / ..... / ..-. .- -.. . -..

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. -..- .. ... - . -. -.-. . / ----. / ..-. .- -.. .. -. --.

. -..- .. ... - . -. -.-. . / .---- ----- / ..-. .- -.. .. -. --.

That's all.

Also I love how this whole explanation began because of a simple small explanation for the gauntlets.

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