Becoming THE Player

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The sound of blood splattering echoed through the empty void space. Some whines and howls of pain echoed as well, each one ending when the blood fell.

EXP Gained: 10 levels.

Power Level: 10/100

Speed Level: 4/100

Defense Level: 30/100

Healing Level: 7/100

Mastery Level: 1/10

Level: 51/ 400

Health: 1300

Pack of Wolves slain.

It seems you have gotten the hang of that sword and your gauntlets.

There, sitting on a huge pile of wolf corpses, was Geo.

"Eh, I always knew how to use my gauntlets, it's the sword that needs practice. I had the blade turn into that sword from this one game I liked, The Legend of something, I don't know and I don't really care. I gotta admit the sword looks cool though."

Just imagine the Master Sword with the colors of the EXE Blade, except it still glows blue.

Are you treating your powers as a game?

"Nope. Just getting creative."

Ah, it is good to know you are learning with each moment in the trading room.

"Say, what should I name you. Because calling you Voice would make me look crazy once I return."

That is up for you to decide.

"I'm going to call you... Aquai."


"I should be strong enough to return now."

Would you like to start a New Game or Continue?

"Hmm... New Game."

May I ask why?

"Because, everything I did in my first attempt, everything was done wrong. I arrived incorrectly and in a stupid manner. I had ZERO experience and made a complete fool of myself. But now, I know what to do."

Understood, OVERWRITING previous files.



Successfully loaded.

A loud sonic boom echoed through the mountains as a boy fell through the clouds.

Sword in one hand, gauntlets covering his hands.

A barbaric and torn set of clothes covering him. The only thing that wasn't torn was the robe, given to him by the woman in the now deleted files.

The boy quickly flipped before getting into a diving position, aiming himself towards the rapidly approaching floor.

He gracefully did another flip before, WAIT FOR IT!!
Superhero landing everybody!

His planted into the ground. The boy still had all his equipment from when he first landed in Teora.

Though he, unlike the others, managed to get his hands on a power greater than anything ever.

His eyes darted around as he searched for a specific pink haired girl.

He continued to look until he heard a rustling behind him. He rapidly turned toward the cause of the noise.

There, hiding in the bushes, was the girl he was looking for.

"Oh, hello."


"Do you know where the kingdom is?"


A loud sigh was heard by the girl.

'At least everything's going the same.' He thought to himself.

She slightly looked away with a red blush tainting her face before saying. "Wh-What happened to your clothes?"

"Oh, uhh. Training?"

"O-oh. Ok."


He stared at the embarrassed girl before saying, "Wanna go search for the kingdom?"

She looked at him before saying, "Sure!"

You all already know how it went.

One of the wolves launched itself at the cowering girl. The boy raised his sword before slamming the blade down, cutting a perfectly straight line through it. He watched as it fell apart.

He then noticed a huge ball of energy heading towards the girl. His sword quickly lost its form and wrapped around his gauntlets. He punched right through the ball before rushing to the wolf.

He reeled his arm back before slamming his fist and the gauntlets' two spikes into the creature. His fists clenched harder, which caused the EXE Blade's metal to respond by absorbing much of the gauntlets' electricity and shoot it out into the wolf, frying the wolf.

He unclenches his fists. The metal slithered off the gauntlets and began returning to its form of the Master Sword.

He suddenly felt a shift in the air behind. He lifted the now completely formed sword and swung it around behind him. A thud followed.

He looked around to see the other wolves back off before running.

He turned to the shocked girl.

Slowly, he walked up before crouching down to her level.

He raised his hand and presented her with the gem that she had attempted to get before the wolves began their assault.

Her eyes sparkled before she snatched it out of his hands.

She opened her mouth and silently whispered a 'Thank You.' To him.

Geo smiled grateful at the realization that they didn't have to be put in a life or death situation.

Yeah, it's time we begin getting Geo into the Tired, Traumatized state he's supposed to be in.

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