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The boy just remained there, not saying anything. Eventually after a couple of seconds the boy coughed to get her attention.

Falling out of her trance, the girl closely inspected the boy before finally tugging at the vines and freeing him.

The boy fell. Having his head crash into a rock.

The girl uttered a small "oops."

His small notebook had not gone unnoticed by the girl.

After some small efforts, she managed to pick up the clipboard. Turning it around to see the symbol

The boy, still dizzy, bumped into some trees. Knocking them down.

The girl giggled at his actions. Before writing in the notebook.

The boy on the other hand was surprised that he wasn't harmed from having his hand crash through a tree trunk. In a moment of surprise he shook his arm to attempt getting it off.

The girl then presented the notebook with some strange symbols.

They spent a couple of minutes trying to find a language that the boy would understand.

Eventually those attempts ended when she wrote 'Ami.'

He released a grin and asked.

"How do you know so many languages?"

The girl tilted her head in confusion. Not knowing what he just said.

Eventually she got an idea. Her eyes glowed and so did her hair.

She then pulled him in and kissed him.

(If you get this reference then you are my best friend)

She pulled away and said.

"Sorry for that. But I needed to do that to understand you. Now I can speak your language."

She responded with a bright smile.

"Your name is... Geo, right?"

"Um actually my name is [̴͓͕̠̔̀́͌͛͠R̸̙͉͕̾͊̓͐̾͘e̵͕̫̠̽͋͐̐͝d̸̘͖͕̈́͒͌͘͝a̸̘̼̞̐͌̾̀͛͘c̵̡͚͉̐͒̈́̈́̿̚t̸̠͇͙̽́͐̈́̾̾e̴͍͚͕̾̈́̿͋̚͝d̴̘͇̿̓͐̐̽͝]̵̺͎͊̈́͊͋̈́͜"

His eyes widened when his voice got all glitchy. Not only that but the name wasn't even heard.

"Come again?"

"I'm [̴͓͕̠̔̀́͌͛͠R̸̙͉͕̾͊̓͐̾͘e̵͕̫̠̽͋͐̐͝d̸̘͖͕̈́͒͌͘͝a̸̘̼̞̐͌̾̀͛͘c̵̡͚͉̐͒̈́̈́̿̚t̸̠͇͙̽́͐̈́̾̾e̴͍͚͕̾̈́̿͋̚͝d̴̘͇̿̓͐̐̽͝]̵̺͎͊̈́͊͋̈́͜"

The boy's eye twitched in frustration as he began repeating the non existent name before finally giving up and saying,

"Yeah I'm Geo."

With that she set out on a quest.

A quest to show him the beauties of Teora.

She thought to herself for a moment before looking back at the boy. She was surprised to see he sat near a tree and was drawing.

It took her only a couple of seconds to realize she was part of the art. Without any warning she grabbed him by his arm pulled him into her quest.

With that they had a huge travel.

They walked through the woods and made it into a cave. Though despite Ami being stealthy and quiet. Geo had caused massive vibrations and sounds throughout everything.

Every step he took cracked the ground. The worst part, having to be falling into the river and a waterfall. He had barely begun making his way across the stone bridge before it had shattered under his weight.

They made it to a new set of woods where they can get food. While Ami had managed to shake peaches out of the trees, Geo was busy running from bees and making a path through the trees he ran through.

They made it high into the mountains only for Geo to notice the humongous shadow looming over. He looked up to see a flying creature. His eyes and jaws widened at the pure shock. He pulled his phone out of his backpack and quickly took a picture of it once it was far away.

(I forgot to mention he brought a backpack with him.)

THAT eventually led to them walking on a seemingly endless bridge.

Once they made it past that. Ami got tired and decided to rest on a boulder. Geo on the other hand, still full of energy, picked up the Boulder and continued their journey.

She woke up later on and jumped off. So Geo decided to throw the boulder away.

They saw some fish-foxes.

Ami got stuck on a ledge. Geo, being under her, made the mistake of looking up. After seeing under her skirt he used his head to push her up.

Next thing you know they were both posing on rocks high up in the air.

Just as they switched their poses, Geo's weight caused his rocks to fall apart.

Geo tripped while Ami continued running up the mountain.

Noticing the boy wasn't behind her she began looking around for him. Only to be grabbed by him, who was running at the speed of who knows what.

The boy noticed that there was nowhere left to run. So he decided to just jump for it. After successfully managing to scale the mountain he looked out into the horizon.

He instantly pulled out his phone and took a picture of the scenery. He was SO gonna draw this.


Boom nighttime.

The girl then noticed a shiny crystal up front. With pure excitement she ran up to grab it. Accidentally stepping on a giant wolf's tail.

It pounces on her. Geo being the guy he is, gets his gauntlets from his backpack, and charges toward the wolf.

It opens it's mouth and shoots a fireball at him.

With 0 hesitation the boy runs faster and punches through it. He gets in front of the wolf and, with his combined super strength and gauntlet, punches the wolf through the forest. Unfortunately it managed to release a howl, alerting the other wolves.

He looks around to see many more wolves surround him. Just as he began to run up to one he got slashed at from the back.

He messed up his attack, his biggest mistake there. Suddenly they all began releasing attacks on him.

After getting clawed at, bitten, and blasted, he passed out.

(Time skip lol)


He looked up to see a woman.

But what shocked him most about her was that she looked so much like...

His aunt.

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