The Day

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"Dad! Dad! It's Christmas Day!! Dad wake up!"

A man who was seen to be in his thirties groggily gets up from bed and pats his seven year old son's head.

"Alright sport, you don't have to yell anymore, I'm already up."


"Let's go open presents now. Oh and I forgot to mention."

The boy turned around to look at his father and said,

"Yeah I know Auntie and Mommy decided to visit."

"You're forgetting your older brothers and cousins."

The boy crossed his arms and looked to the side.

"I don't like them that much."

"Aww cmon boy. At least show that you're happy to see them."

The boy sighed and unleashed the brightest smile he could manage.

The man was then seen grabbing his chest at his son's adorableness.

After getting changed quickly the two then exited the bedroom and entered the living room.


The boy jumped around excitedly while the man went and hugged his sister and ex lover.

Even though there were problems within the adults, they still wanted their kids to have the best.

"Alright who wants to open their presents first?"

Everyone remained silent and looked at the kid who was outstretched his arm.

"MEE! ME!"

"Alright, you go."

The boy quickly ran up to their Christmas tree.

He searched for one that his aunt had given him.

He found it and quickly ripped it open.

He opened it to see a PlayStation.

He quickly went and thanked his Aunt. Not forgetting to hug her as well.

Then came his mother's. He opened it to find a big warm hoodie. It was way too huge for him, but he loved it.

It felt like an awesome superhero robe. He didn't plan on taking it off either.

He opened more presents to find candy, clothes, games, etc.

But the one that caught his attention was his Father's gift. He had saved it for last and was excited to see what awaited in it.

He calmly opened it to find a pair of gloves.

After putting them on he only looked at his Father.

"Really? Another one?"

"Listen. You keep ripping the other ones, AND it's snowy outside. I'm just looking out for my son. After all, you don't want to suffer from frostbite do you?"



"Soo. I knew you weren't going to be happy with just this. So I decided to take us all to your favorite restaurant."

The boy's eyes sparkled.



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