Food Fight

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(The Next Morning)

Ami hopped of her bed excitedly. She went over to her window curtains and opened them.

Was it just her or had the world always looked this beautiful. Her mood only got better when she went and showered.

After finishing and dressing she goes out her room and passes her mother, who was tired and sipping on some warm coffee.

She continued walking until she finally arrived in front of Geo's room. In a gleeful voice she called out to him,"Wake up!"

The boy opened his eyes tiredly. He closed his eyes a couple of seconds later. She walked over to him and began shaking his arm, which actually turned out to be an attempt on pulling him out of bed.

Feeling the movements the boy quickly hopped out of bed, thinking someone was attempting to kidnap.

He relaxed and pulled the girl into an apologetic embrace. Meanwhile she just stood there in complete silence.

He pulled away when he noticed she had a uniform in her hand. She handed her uniform to him while he gave her his hoodie. The boy easily held it up. The Princess on the other hand fell to the floor from the hoodie's surprisingly overwhelming weight.

After putting the uniform on and acquiring his equipment, he followed her through the castle.

Surprisingly the people here spoke English.

The boy heard a woman say, "Princess Ami, Queen Gwain is expecting you at the great hall for breakfast."

The girl kindly nodded and continued leading the boy to the great hall.

Eventually they made it to the great hall, where Geo had a much stronger and bigger seat than everyone else because of his weight.

He awkwardly sat looking at the food as the Queen said, "Help yourself. Take it as my gratitude for saving Ami."

The boy squinted at the Queen and the Princess. He reached a hand out and grabbed a tomato. A bit weird but you do you Geo.

'Something's wrong with this kid, his hair's totally white. Which is odd, unless he'd lost all his magic in the fight.'

'But after resting his magic should've recovered and his color... it's weird.'

The boy then saw some words appear on his visor. It then showed a description of Ami and her magic weapon (AKA a bow) which was weird because he didn't see her fight at all.


'Unless this is a really particular case.'

'Or maybe he's a...'

'A human?'

(Geo's perspective)

I saw her get up. The thing that makes this worse is the fact that I knew this would happen. I saw a beam begin to radiate from her hand.

I did the only thing I thought of at that moment.



The tomato hit her face. It was obvious that I had pissed her off when I saw her angrily wipe the tomato juice off.

"GAURDS! Protect the Princess at all costs! It seems we have an intruder."

She raised her hand to fire a beam at me. To which I grabbed my plate and threw it at full power towards her.

She shattered it with her hand but I managed to run into the kitchen. I grabbed some magical pans and even grabbed one off the stove. I also managed to get some lobster and Raw Chicken.

With the most random voice ever I yelled out, "Random Bull****, GO!"

I watched as the stuff I threw hit my target. But it didn't slow her down. In fact, she only got more pissed off. The evidence was that angry face she wore.

She suddenly appeared in front of me and grabbed me by my neck. She then flew across the room and slammed me into the wall.

Of course I was too slow to react. She took advantage of that fact when she appeared in front of me once again and blasted me through to of her buildings.

She appeared in front of me and began beating the crap out of me.

I looked up to her to see her. But for a moment I didn't see her. I saw... HIM.

The EXE Blade's Metal began enveloping my arms and wrapping around my gauntlets.

My senses heightened. I got at Full Concentration. I saw it. Her attacks before they even came. She then slammed me to the floor. But I already knew I could take her on.

So I got up and glared at her. I nearly gave away some of my surprise when I saw her flinch.

She then appeared in front of me, clearly her attack was screaming, 'Just get knocked out!! For the love of god.' But I wasn't going to.

Because I knew this attack would come I grabbed her arm and used it to vault and go behind her. Now that I was behind her I kicked her to the ground. She got up and into her senses with pure surprise in her face.

She looked at me and then gave a sinister grin, " I haven't had someone actually manage to lay a finger on me ever since I became Queen. But keep in mind kid, I'll make this next part of the battle hell for you."

I raised my fists and got in a fighting stance.

"Oh trust me. Im ready to take you on."

With that, we both charged towards each other.

Pretty quick I know.

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