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"WOAHHHH!" Geo screamed as he had accidentally launched himself into the air.

He quickly activated his ability to prevent himself from taking falling damage.

'I suggest looking at your stats when you activate your ability.'

"Looking at my stats?? Why?"

'It would answer your sudden boosts.'

The boy looked away from the area from which the voice was coming from and summoned his stats screen.

Player Level: 0

Ability Level: 400/400

Ability Compatibility: 10/10

Power Level: 400

Defense Level: 0

Speed Level: 0

Healing Level: 0

Mastery Level: 10/10

"... woah, what?"

'Ability: Enhance

The ability to enhance any stat to its highest. Easily usable and rather simple to master. It completely removes the need to train or level up. However, despite it's easy use, it still has a huge downside. Such as fatigue, puking blood, severe headaches, and suddenly passing out. Over usage of this ability or forcing it to go beyond its limit could cause any of the following.'

He only stared.

'Despite these setbacks being possible, the chances of it happening are extremely rare. So there's no need to worry about this.'

He still stared.

'Time to send you back'

(Back to Ami)

'Oh goodness. Where is he?? Is he safe? He never came back. He hasn't appeared in three days. I'm worried!!!'

Thoughts raced through the girl's head as she made her way to the market. She had managed to convince Gwain to let her go, that is, as long as she doesn't attract attention.

She made her way through alleyways before eventually making it to the market.

Despite her instructions to not attract attention, she stuck out like a sore thumb, resulting in everyone taking a glance at her.


Her mask dropped from the realization that one of her friends spotted her.

Disappointed that she got noticed, she grabbed her mask and put it in her pouch.

She then turned to her baker friend and gave her a warm smile.


"What are you doing here? This could be dangerous for you. How'd they let you get out of the castle."

Ami proudly told Lanney on how she managed to convince her mother to let her go.

"She let you leave that easily?!"

She dejectedly revealed that it was her puppy eyes that let her out.

"Oh, that makes sense. Anyway, would you like to join me for a walk?"

Gwain Saga: PlayerWhere stories live. Discover now