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(▛̶ ̶▙̶▄̶ ̶▞̶▚̶ ̶▚̶▘̶ ̶█̶☰̶ Geo ⓅⓄⓋ)

I broke out of my flashback and realized that the woman was handing me some equipment.

She sighed and said, "You didn't hear a single word I said huh?"

With a look of shame I turned and looked away.

"Listen these items will help you. The EXE Blade is your secondary weapon. As for those Visors, they will guide you toward the princess. You must return her headband to her or else her vitality will drop to zero. Oh and also..."

She turned and looked at me.

"Good luck kid."

Let's cut to the chase I guess.

I stared around as the Visor scanned the forest. Eventually it found her, so, I started to run in that direction.

After running for a while the arrow then pointed downwards. It took me a moment to realize I was frozen in midair. Though the second I realized that I fell.

To make things better, I had landed right in front of the cave she was in. I quickly rushed over to her and, calmly, put her headband on. After doing so I sneakily took us out. I'm joking I roughly threw her headband on and ran as quick as possible.

I was so busy running I didn't notice she had slightly opened her eyes. Nor did I notice that the wolves were following close behind.

Only after I got slashed in the back did I know they were following us.

I looked over to her body. I noticed a +1 appearing over her, along with a health bar.

I could go and beat those wolves. But by doing so she would be vulnerable to other wolves, IF there are any. I don't feel like taking chances. She's been nice to me this whole time.

I put on my brave face and raised my arms while staying in front of her. I felt the metal on my sword begin to vibrate. I didn't even notice that it lost it's shape and began making its metallic way down my arms and onto my gauntlets. (Sort of like Spider-Man's Nano Tech Suit.)

The first blast of energy made its way towards me. So, I reeled my arm back and punched the ball back to its owner.

The wolf was sent sliding back, clearly surprised at the fact that it was thrown back. It growled and howled.

That was all the other wolves needed to hear. Once the howl ended they began unleashing barrages of energy blasts.

Unfortunately they weren't head towards me. They were headed for Ami.

It was as if time slowed. I turned as quickly as I could to get in the way of the energy blasts. But I was too slow.

...Or so I thought I was. My gauntlets began to glow the color blue. Before I knew it I had completely dissipated the blasts of energy. The wolves then began to shift and back down.

I didn't waste a moment. In an instant I charged and unleashed a barrage of jabs and punches at them.

With one final blow I blasted them towards the mountain.

I then heard groans behind me. I turned to see Ami, rubbing her eyes. I ran up to her and asked her, "Are you okay?!"

She nodded but then asked, "Where are the wolves?"

I pointed to the now paralyzed and stacked pile of wolves near the mountain.

She gave me a high five.

With that, we began to head to her mother's kingdom.

Though I swear I heard the woman from earlier say

"Good luck, kid... we will need it."

(A Couple of Minutes Later)

"Phew, we made it."

She turned towards me and signaled me to follow her. I, not having anything else to do, obliged.

I followed her until I noticed a mirror. I looked at it to notice I lost my black hair. In its color was white.

I stood there staring in shock. That was until I noticed something in the corner of the mirror. A woman with yellow hair and eyes was staring at me.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Ami tugging on my hand. But I was still on edge, even with her by my side.

Eventually we made it to her bedroom. Though everyone in this building would notice I was here. After all, every step I took made a cracks and small foot-sized craters on the floor.

After a small moment of silence we heard a knock on the door. On instinct I went and hid. In case that woman was looking for me.

My suspicions were confirmed when she mouthed to me, 'Hide.'

Me, being the guy I am, jumped up and had my gauntlets' spikes stick through the ceiling. I had my EXE Blade make itself go onto my gauntlets.

Thanks to the Blade's metal, it had stretched out and latched itself to the ceiling. With sheer willpower I had my legs go flat on the ceiling, so my legs wouldn't be sticking out in the open.

Once Ami saw me hidden she opened the door.

"Hi, Ami. I just came by to check on you now that the whole castle is looking for you."

The woman turned to look around.

She looked before continuing, "And Also..."

She walked and stood near the closet.

She once again continued, "...Ask you... What's this kid doing in your room?"

My eyes widened as she summoned a light spear and threw it next to my head.

I shouted out, " Holy shi-"

In a state of panic, I fell to the floor, I had torn the ceiling off and caused a huge dent on the floor I landed on.

It was obvious Ami didn't know what to do. And because of that she did a small, "Teehee" and stuck her tongue out in a childish manner.

I gave her a blank stare while Gwain said, "Don't 'Teehee' me."

"You've never brought a stranger to the castle before. Now tell me why he's here."

She then got up close to Ami and said, "And I want you to tell me the truth."

"We were attacked by wolves and he saved me."

"Well, in that case, thank you. But there's still something odd about this kid. Why is his hair white?"

After a small answer she then asked, "And tell me, what's your name?"


"Geo? What a weird name."

"Alright. I'll tell the maids to prepare a guest room."

Yay finally finished this chapter.

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