??? (1)

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"We demand an audience with Queen Gwain. We had one planned weeks ago."

The guard looked at the two figures standing in front of them.

He frowned.

"Queen Gwain isn't taking any audiences today. Now leave." He replied in a forceful tone.


An energy ball appeared from one of the figures hand.

He aimed it to the side of the guards face.

"Take us to the Queen. NOW."

The guard felt the blood trickle on the side of his face. He wouldn't let them through though. Intimidation and threats won't work on him.

He readied himself and raised his great sword towards them.

The female hooded figure began making his way towards him. The male hooded figure stopped her.

"Let me handle this."

He calmly walked towards the guard.

"Stay back!"

He continued.

The guard raised his great sword.


The boy's hand was in front of the guard's face.

Instead of an energy beam however, a hot, almost burning, shockwave erupted out of it.

It blasted the guard back a bit.

No damage was dealt, and no shots were fired. Yet the guard stumbled back and passed out right there and then.

The boy figure looked at his now raised hand.

"Huh. I might get used to this."

"Don't get cocky now. You're still not a full Player yet. If you die now you die permanently."

"Tch." He kicked a rock like a kid.


"Huh?" Queen Gwain tiredly rubbed her eyes.

"Who goes there?" She squinted and looked at the opened doors.

"Oh... you."

"Miss me?"

"What do you want Luna?"

"Can't I just visit an old friend."

Another hooded figure came in.


Luna turned to glare at the boy.

"Ahem. I need your help and knowledge."

Gwain looked down upon Luna with squinted eyes.

"For what?"

Luna pulled out a picture.

"For this!"

She handed it to Gwain.

Gwain visibly flinched.

"Do you recognize him?"

Gwain's eyes widened in fear.

"It- it can't be. How did he!!"

Luna and her coworker looked at each other in panicked confusion.

"Luna... if you EVER come across this kid. Make sure that you do everything in your power to eliminate him."

"Why! Who is he!?"

Gwain got up and opened one of her window blinds.

"He is Teora's Player."

"Impossible!!! How did he... wait a minute."

Gwain turned in confusion.

"Now that I think about it. How did he get his hands on Luna Tech equipment?"

"He what?"

Luna continued to think this over.

"Gwain. I'm going to need your spear of light."


The boy and Luna made their way further down the dungeon.

"So uhhh. You mind explaining where we are going?"

"To visit an old friend. I have a feeling you might recognize her."

"Recognize who?"

Luna shuffled with the spear and the golden locks.



Luna lifted her arm and pointed at the woman.


The boy looked at the person she was pointing to.

He felt his jaw drop.

Tears welled up in his eyes.


Skool is painful.

So is writing stories.

Gwain Saga: PlayerWhere stories live. Discover now