Daily Missions

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"Follow me." The pink haired girl whispered.

They quietly sneaked past the guards and through a broken gate near the castle's shore.

They managed to get close to the castle's front before stopping at the sound of talking.

"Where do you think the Princess went?"

"Eh, I don't know."

Geo quietly reached his arm out. He concentrated before suddenly making a small pebble appear in his hand.

Ami watched as he pulled his arm back before aiming it towards one of the guards. Quickly, she got up and reached out to stop him from releasing the small rock. However, before she even began moving, the rock flew.

She watched in fear as the rock flew towards the guards. She quickly shut her eyes to hear a cry of pain, or a thud.

But none of them came.

She slowly opened her eyes to see the guards beginning to run towards the direction of where the rock landed.

Geo, without hesitation, scooped the girl and carried her. He crouched down before jumping.

That was as far as he got though. He didn't move towards any of the windows they saw.

They landed with a silent thud.

Geo turned to the girl. "Which room is yours?" He smiled sheepishly.

"The one closest to the clock tower."

"Alright. Brace yourself."


Ami managed to fall through the slightly open window. The same couldn't be said for poor Geo.

He began to fall off. Thanks to the girl's quick reactions, she managed to run and catch Geo.

That's when a problem hit them. Geo weighed, A LOT. Even though his items looked light, they felt like they weighed 6 massive boulders.

Ami nearly felt her arm get torn off by the sudden weight.

'Ow ow ow! How does this make sense?!'

It's simple Ami. It doesn't.

Geo attempted to get a hold of something inside the room and, thank the heavens, managed to get a hold of the wall. He could slowly feel it begin to crack, but that didn't matter. He managed to pull himself in.

One GRAND mistake he made was jumping in the room. A huge thud echoed throughout the castle.

While the castle IS made of powerful material, it still had a bit of trouble holding Geo's weight.

Geo frowned at the small dent he left on the floor.

He stretched his arm out.

You see there's this thing that Geo can see that Ami can't.

The Inventory button. It pauses time and his body until he exits his inventory.

He could change weapons, clothes, and boosters. He also packed potions and crystals. Along with some food that he could cook.

I'll explain what BOOSTERS are later on.

He was currently taking his weapons and putting them in his inventory.

Considering the fact that his clothes/armor was already messed up, he didn't try to remove or change it. He also couldn't change it because those were the only clothes he had. Well... he did have something else. But he was saving that for a special occasion.

A bit more relaxed with his changes the boy left his Inventory and continued.

"Alright. Now what."

Knock Knock.

"HIDE!" She whisper-yelled.

(Ami's Perspective)

I turned and whispered to him.

The confusing part was... HE DISAPPEARED.

Do humans do that??

If so can they fly?

Can they shoot lasers out of their eyes?

Can they read minds?


Knock knock



"O-oh heyyy, Gwain."

"Good evening, Ami."

Ami gulped at her mother's venomous voice.

"Is something the matter?" She asked nervously.

"Hmm. Yes. The matter, regards you disappearing."

"Oh well I was out adv-"

"And returning with a boy."

I felt my heart stop.

"Now if you don't mind me asking." 

Ami silently gulped.

"Where is he?" Gwain asked while summoning her spear.

"W-where is who?"

"Don't play innocent or dumb Ami, you know who I'm talking about."

"I seriously don't!?" She said while waving her arms in denial.

Gwain activated her powers and attempted to find the boy's magic aura.

She continued to scan the room before concluding that no one was there.

"Hmm. Must've escaped while he still had the chance." She mumbled out.

"Smart boy..."

She turned towards me.

"We shall talk about this, tomorrow. Until then, go to bed."

She then took one last look at the room.

"...Has that dent always been there?"

I turned.


"You know what. Never mind."



I then looked around the room before whispering.

"Hey! Geo! Where are you!?"

I scanned the room, but still there was no sign of Geo.

'...Where is he?"




'Where the hell am I?' The figure shrouded in darkness thought while attempting to rub its head.



"H-hello? Is anyone there."

The surrounding area seemed to have no wind or breeze, yet it felt like a cold wind swept upon the empty void.

We've met several times... do you really not recognize my voice?

He reached out and attempted to press a button that couldn't be accessed at the moment.

You're inventory cannot be summoned in this place.    

Prepare for the trial to gain powers and upgraded gauntlets.

'O H





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