
730 9 2

'Well. Classes just ended. Might as well pack up. Everyone left already so leaving will be a breeze.' My happy expression disappeared as I remembered that I won't be going home to greet anyone. No one asking me how school went. No one asking if anything important happened.


I walked up my house's porch. I pulled out my keys when suddenly...


̸̵̦̺̙̫̟͇͙͇̦͇̺̘́͋̔͊̓𝓵̴̴̵̸̴̢̢͖̠͕͇͎̦͖̝͙̟͓͍̝̻̝͎̙͇̪̘̝͙͕͍̝͋͐̓̈́͐͛̈́͊̔̐̈́̒̚͜͠͠𝓰̴̡̙̙͇̠͙͌͊͠ ̸͕͇̞͍̪͛̈́̔𝓵̴̸̴̸̵̡̙͍͎̝̘͚͉̺͍͖̘̺͍̻̠͎͍͔͙̘͎̠̙͕͖͎̓̐̔̈́̈́͒̽͊̈́̿͛̕̚̚͜

I looked around confused on what I heard.

I shrugged it off and opened the front door.

Ahh. Sweet Sweet home.


You get used to the silence after a while. Normally I'd be greeted by family. But you know... that day changed everything.

So here I am now. Alone. Bored, and tired.

Hungry too because I just heard my stomach growl.

I went to the kitchen and pulled out a bowl. Served some cereal and then served milk. Pulled out a spoon from a cabinet and went straight to eating.

Not too long after I went and washed my dishes. I know pretty boring.

Though I guess this is life when you have literally nothing to do. I already finished homework at school.

I decided to go for a run. Ya know. Maybe some push-ups here and there. Some sit ups. Maybe even pull ups. Just your typical workout. I'm an averagely fit dude. Not too muscular and not too skinny.

Just right.

My workouts are the reason as to why I'm so good at kicking those jocks' asses.

I thought about my class. Most of them were friends. The other side were a bunch of assholes who prey on the weak.

Their leader is J̵̴o̸̴r̴̵d̵̵e̸̵n̸̸.

He got his ass kicked by me.

I honestly don't care whether you're a guy or girl. If you stand in my way then you pay the price.

I went to sit down near a tree when I was finished working out. I had started drawing the city when I suddenly got a gut feeling to get out of there.

Listening to my instincts I returned home.



I opened my eyes to the sound of my phone's notification.

Making the mistake of not lowering my brightness, I became temporarily blind. After some struggles of lowering my brightness I look at the message.

Go to the tree at the park.

The one furthest from the city.

I looked at the message multiple times before getting up, grabbing my gloves/gauntlets and getting dressed. I decided to grab my notebook in case this was just a prank. Good thing we have break.

If I was gonna get attacked then I might as well go armed. I also went to put on my most intimidating clothes. Including this jacket that I had cut through the middle section.

I silently laughed as I remembered my young self cutting this hoodie up and making it look like a badass robe.

'Last time you were supposed to meet up with someone and brought your gauntlets, YOU KNOW how that turned out.' I flinched and lost my smile at those thoughts.

Just as quickly as I reacted I shook those thoughts away.

I quickly went inside the train and patiently waited.

Insert Time skip here

I looked around in confusion. No one was here.

I sighed and took it as a prank message. I went and sat down near a tree. I looked at the city and continued my progress on drawing it.

Everything was going well when suddenly-


It sounded like a bubble popped.

I looked up from my notebook to check what it was.

Instead I was met the sound of wind, whistling past my ears.

Eyes wide open, I looked down to realize I was way up in the sky.

Not knowing what to do or how to react I just screamed.

(Meanwhile on the ground)

*Humming sounds

'Hmm. The crystal should be around here somewhere.' A girl with pink hair said.

She continued forward through the forest, not knowing the dangers ahead nor the person she will meet.


She was looked up to search for the sound of screaming only for the screaming to stop right in front of her.

She looked up to see a guy, tangled in vines.

She, not knowing what to do either, screamed.

Gwain Saga: PlayerWhere stories live. Discover now