Main Menu

417 6 3

(Geo's Perspective)

All I remember is getting knocked out. I was beginning to take things seriously and I instantly got knocked out.


What the hell.

I was stuck here in my void of a mind. I remember some things of my life back on Earth. But I'm starting to lose some memories. Some old ones that I could remember suddenly disappeared.

It was like one moment I knew something, but the next moment it just felt like something was missing.

It's hard to explain what happened. They must've been old. All I can remember is my friend, Finn, and my family. Along with the Day. Why must The Day out of all my memories remain?

Hello. Player. Welcome to the Menu.


It seems you are shocked as well as surprised to hear my voice. Please do not be.

You were unfortunately killed fighting Gwain, the Queen of the Kingdom: Gwain.

That's a bit weird. Naming your Kingdom after yourself.

Where would you like to go in the menu.

Suddenly, a list of words appeared.


New Game


Training Gym


Exit Game

"Uhhhh... the theater?"

All I had to do was blink once and I magically appeared in this cinema area.

I looked at the screen to notice only 2 clips(or acts, as they were called) were available.

Prologue: Before the Teleport.
1 scene is able to be accessed

Part 1: Meeting the Princess.
2 scenes able to be accessed

Part 2: Meeting the Team
6 scenes able to be accessed

Part 3: ???

Part 4: ???

Part 5: ???

Part 6: ???

Part 7: ???

Part 8: ???

Part 9: ???

Part 10: ???

"Ok thennnnnn? How about the training gym?"

Once again, all I had to do was blink just so J could suddenly appear in the gym.

My eyes couldn't help but widen. There weren't any weapons here!

"Um, voice? Where are the weapons or the casual gym equipment?"

Training can only be done when you encounter the robots. The only weapons available to you now are the gauntlets and EXE Blade. Would you like to enhance your armor?

"Uh sure?"

You already know what I'm going to say.

The Armor Enhancement area was only upgrading what I was wearing. The armor given to me by that random woman could be upgraded. My Earth clothes were a different story. Apparently it's level was maxed out.

Weird but acceptable.

"Hey, Voice."

Yes player?

"Do I have an inventory menu like in video games?"

Of Course. You have an infinite amount of space. All you must do is grab an item and put it in your inventory.

Would you like to test it out?

"HELL YEAH!!" I yelled while putting my fist in the air.

I spent a lot of time changing the storyline.

Sorry for taking a long ass time for this chapter. I had a writer's block. Even so, when I had finally gotten an idea, it was thrown out the window with a better one.

This chapter was also meant to be longer. But I was worried you all would get tired of waiting. So I decided to just make this and leave it so you could all know that I'm still working on this.

Have some memes I made.

Have some memes I made

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