an apology from santana, to quinn

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"Can't you just accept that I'm sorry?"
"No, Santana, I can't."
"Why the fuck not? What else can I do?"
"Just...stop. Leave."
"I'm not leaving. Not until you tell me what I can do, to make things right between us."
"Why is this so important? You evidently don't want to be around me."
"I do. You're my best friend."
"I'm not doing this again. You're toxic."
"So are you."
"And you want me to forgive you?"
"Shit. Sorry."
"Again with the apologies."
"Stop being such a bitch! I'm trying to make things right, can't you give me a chance?"
"No. Because I have given you chance after chance. And you have never, ever been there for me."
"Because you never ask!"
"If we were actually friends, you would know when I needed you."
"I'm trying. I'll be here for you."
"It's too late. I don't need anyone. I'm so used to doing this on my own."
"Doing what on your own?"
"Everything. If you actually cared about me, you would know. In fact, if you cared about something other than yourself, people would like you a whole lot more."
"Fuck off."
"Is that what you told Brittany?"
"Stop. Don't bring that up."
"Why? Do you feel guilty about how you treated her? All she wanted was for you to be her friend, and support her."
"She's not the only one going through something."
"I know. But she's just as important as you."
"Of course she is! I really care about her."
"We all know that. But you need to actually be there for her."
"I'm trying. God, I'm doing my best."
"It's not good enough. She's my friend as well. I can tell that this is killing her."
"It's killing me too. And it's so fucking unfair that I have to go through this shit."
"That's life. Anyway, you're just proving my point. This is all the Santana Show."
"Maybe I don't want it to be. Maybe I just want to fade into the background."
"Do it then. Nobody's stopping you."
"You don't get it. Everyone is stopping me. I've done too much. I have no friends."
"Is that why you want me to forgive you?"
"No. I want you to forgive me because I feel so bad for what I said to you. And what I did. I'm here standing in front of you, begging for your forgiveness. I miss you."
"I miss you too. Which is so fucking annoying, considering that I hate you as well."
"Why do you hate me so much?"
"Do you want a list?"
"Please. One thing."
"Okay. You don't accept who you are."
"Are you trying to say that I'll always be a bitch?"
"What? No. For fuck sake Santana. I'm saying that you're a lesbian."
"Take that back."
"It's not an insult."
"I said take it back."
"It's not true."
"It is. Santana, I used to be your best friend. I know you. And I know that you love Brittany, more than anyone else."
"You're right. I love Brittany. Happy? Now you can go tell everyone."
"I wouldn't do that."
"Yes you would. You're no better than me."
"Would you tell everyone if I came out to you?"
"I don't know. It depends on how we were with each other. Wait, are you..."
"I don't know."
"You could talk to me."
"You just said you might tell everyone. Anyway, there's nothing to tell."
"Of course there's not. Because you're Quinn fucking Fabray, and everything you do is a mystery."
"That's not fair."
"None of this is fair. If this was fair, I wouldn't be here begging for you to like me again."
"Why do you need my validation? There must be crowds of people who would kill to be your friend."
"You don't get it. They don't matter. It's you that really matters."
"Stop doing that. I know you're just being sweet so that I'll forgive you."
"Is that what you think of me?"
"Yes. That's exactly who you are, and you've done it time and time again."
"What if I've changed?"
"You've changed before. You were worse."
"But this time I'll be better. I'll be a better friend to you. I'll talk to Brittany. I won't be such a bitch all the time."
"Why should I trust you?"
"Because, uhm, you should. I can't explain it. But I'm a better person."
"You don't get it. You always say that."
"Please. You know that I can pull myself together."
"I do. But I don't know if you will."
"I will. God, stop doubting me."
"You've got a history of making empty promises."
"Stop using my past to define me. Yes, I did a lot of bad, shady, shit."
"You can't just escape it."
"I know. And I can't. It's always in my head."
"So you want a friend to load all the trauma onto?"
"No. I just need someone."
"What are we even going to do? Do you know what being a friend entails?"
"The fuck does 'entails' mean?"
"What are we going to do?"
"I don't know. I've not got any friends apart from Brittany, and the stuff we do together is definitely not what normal friends do."
"So you admit that you're together?"
"No. We're not together."
"But you have sex with her?"
"Yes. Really, Fabray, did you have to put it like that?"
"It's the truth."
"Anyway, we moved past that. Can't you just let me be sorry, and maybe we can talk to each other sometimes about what we're feeling. 'Cause I know that your life isn't perfect."
"That's true. But how do I know that you're not manipulating me?"
"You don't. But please trust me. I promise that I'll be here for you."
"Fine. But first, you have to do something."
"Uh oh."
"Tell Brittany you love her."
"What? No, I can't. What if she says no? What if someone hears us?"
"You've not got much time left, Santana. She's going to move on eventually."
"You think she'll say that she loves me back?"
"I think so. I'm not saying anything for definite, but she has a lot of love for you."
"I'm going to do it. And after that, I'll be a good person. I'm sorry, for everything."
"It's okay. You're not all bad."
"Fucking love you Quinn."
"Same to you, Santana."

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