It'll Be Okay

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"Hey, we should record together!" Jack will never forget the day he was noticed by Mark.

"I never looked at you as just a fan. You were always a friend." Jack will never forget the day Mark said those words to him.

"We should go out sometime; maybe see a movie?" Jack will never forger their first date.

"I love you, Jack." Jack will never forget the day Mark confessed his love.

"I'm not good enough for you." Jack will never forget how Mark held him, squeezing him so tight to tell him that he will always be good enough.

"It'll be okay." Jack will never forget how comforting Mark was.

"I love you so much." Jack will never forget the kisses Mark gave him after Jack said that.

"Will you marry me?" Jack will never forget the day Mark proposed.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Jack will never forget the support their fans gave the two of them.

"I do." Jack will never forget the day he was finally able to call Mark his husband.

"What if I mess up this marriage?" Jack will never forget his first panic attack.

"It'll be okay." Jack will never forget how calming Mark was.

"We should adopt. " Jack will never forget seeing the happiness in Mark's eyes as he said those words.

"I'll be home soon, don't worry!" Jack will never forget when Mark went out to buy supplies to care for a child.

"Jack Fischbach, your husband, Mark Fischbach, has been in a terrible car accident." Jack will never forget that phone call.

"I'm sorry, but he didn't make it." Jack will never forget the words the doctor said.

"It'll be okay." Jack will never forget hearing those words.

"I can't do this. It won't be okay." Jack will never forget saying that to his friends, family, and friends.

"I'm so sorry, Mark." Jack will never forget how tight he grasped the pill bottle.

"Will it be okay?" Jack will never forget him.

"Yes, Jack. It will." Even in death, Mark will never stop loving Jack.

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