Rest Easy, Daniel

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UPDATE: I've decided not to delete this update. I don't really take a liking to putting this chapter in this book, but for this specific thing, I think I can make an exception.

So, as I'm sure most of you already know, we recently lost an amazing person to suicide. That person is Daniel Kyre.

For those of you who don't know, Daniel is part of the YouTube channel Cyndago (along with Matt and Ryan), and they have done numerous collabs with Mark. It pains me to say that Daniel has passed away due to something just so terrible...

I've honestly been thinking about this for the past 3 hours and I'm just so damn heartbroken that something like this word happen. Though Cyndago wasn't a huge part of my life, I was still a fan and I love Daniel dearly. I'm not afraid to admit that I cried when I heard the news.

Please seek help if you or someone you love is struggling with depression. Suicide is never the answer, and I just want all you lovelies out there to stay strong.

Cyndago is now over, but I know for a fact it will continue to live in our hearts. We'll never forget all those amazing sketches that were created, and we'll never forget am how many smiles Daniel brought to our faces.

Send your support to Matt, Ryan, Mark, and Daniel's family. They undoubtedly were hit harder than any of us, and we all need to be here for each other.

I know this small update is all over the place, but I really can't think straight. I mean, I've been listening to "What If I'm Right" on repeat for almost an hour...

I've also thought of making a chapter dedicated to Daniel. The problem with this, though, is that I don't really know what I'd right. If you guys would like a tribute chapter, please, by all means, leave your ideas and prompts in the comments.

Another Update: A tribute chapter may not happen, for we can't figure out what we would write about. It's such a sensitive topic and one mistake could make the whole thing crumble, and I don't think neither of us want to be that disrespectfulBut we won't forget him and we'll always love and miss him.

Updates may take a while to come out because I know we both were affected by this. It may take some time to get back into the swing of writing, but I assure you guys it won't be too long.

Stay strong everyone, and rest in peace, Daniel. <3

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