Mr. Fischbach

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So, author144 and I have decided to upload one chapter every day. They should be uploaded after 3pm EST every weekday, and then whenever I'm actually NOT lazy on the weekends.

Did you know the Irish accent is the sexiest? Well, that's only what the students and teachers think. Everyone has a crush on "that hot Irish teacher." He would win the hearts of every girl and guy without even trying.

This teacher is Sean Fischbach, but he prefers to be called Jack. He's a mystery to everyone; no one knows much about his personal life, and many single students and teachers would love to know if he's seeing anyone right now. Ever since Jack moved from Ireland to America and started teaching, nobody knew much about him. Until one day, when a group of female teachers overheard a phone call between Jack and someone else.

"I know, I know. I'll go out to buy some food when work is over alright?" There was a pause, "Do we really have nothing?" Another pause, "Alright. I love you, too."

"Oh my God!" One of the teachers squealed, gaining Jack's attention as he hung up his phone.

"Shit..." He muttered. "Oh, hi!"

"So, who's the lucky lady that gets this?" A teacher asked, gesturing to Jack's entire body. This made him laugh uncomfortably, but either nobody cared, or nobody noticed.

"Yeah, I'd like to know the woman gets to see this hot body of yours every morning when they wake up." Another teacher said. Mostly everyone at the school was perverted, and Jack seemed to be the only normal one, though he looked insane to everyone else.

Jack opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted when the bell rang. The loud conversing of students flooded the halls, making all the teachers retreat back to their classrooms.

The late bell rang, and the entire class chimed, "Good afternoon, Mr. Fischbach." Nobody ever asked them to say that, but I assume they had to be nice for their favorite teacher.

"Good afternoon, everyone!" Jack smiled at everyone, making some of the girls blush. The incredibly "straight" section of the boys rolled their eyes. "Now, today we need..."


The next day, something surprising happen. Jack himself didn't even expect it, but it shocked everyone else a lot more. Nobody would've guessed Jack would be like "that."

It happened in the classroom. Jack was going over the lesson, when a sudden knocked made half the class jump in their seats. Everyone stared at the door, wondering who it could be. All of the teachers were busy teaching, and at this hour, the principle was probably yelling at someone.

Jack set down his papers and walked towards the door. He opened it, his eyes widening at the sight of who was standing in front of him.

"Mark?!" He said, his husband smiling at him. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Well, you forgot an important-looking paper, so I decided to bring it to you." Mark handed Jack a sheet of paper, whispers and quiet chatter filling the classroom.

"This is my grocery list."

Mark laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess I just wanted a reason to see you."

"Mr. Fischbach, you're married?" One of Jack's jealous students called out.

"Dude, you're gay?!" One of the "straight" guys said.

"Why are you both so hot?!"

"Can I have the other one?"

"Can I keep Mr. Fischbach?"

The students continued to shout out questions and statements. People were jumping out of there seats and flailing their arms uncontrollably, and the whole class was a mess. Everybody was either jealous or just surprised, and there was no in between. Mark tried his best to not laugh at Jack, who had an incredibly red face.

"Alright, that's enough!" Jack finally said, getting the students to shut up. Everyone sat back down in their seats, and some snickers could still be heard. After things were finally calm, Jack turned back to Mark.

"Well, I guess I kind of wasted your time, didn't I?"

"Mark, you never waste my time, you big goof."

"Oh, shut up and kiss me." Mark pulled Jack into a sudden kiss, and the jaws of all the students dropped. When they pulled away from each other, the entire class was completely silent and still. Best way to shut them up, right?

"You should get out of here; I have a class to teach."

"Right, right... I love you!"

"I love you too." Mark turned around and left, leaving Jack to deal with the rest of the school year. This will be all everyone talks about until summer is over, but is it worth it? Jack thinks it is, because every time someone sees him, hears him, talks about him, or even thinks about him, they keep saying the same thing.

Maybe Jack is a little upset that his secret is out. But, nobody really hates him for it. Everyone is happy for him and most people are starting to find other interests, such as new teachers. But no matter what, they'll always say the same exact thing when thinking about Jack.

"Mr. Fischbach is married!

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