Neglection Caused by Fame

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I'm tired. I just wrote 2.2k words for 2 hours straight, and I really don't want to bother editing this. Please excuse all mistakes in this chapter, because I'm sure as hell there's a lot of them.

Anyway, I missed you guys. I'm glad to be back. I love you all <3

Jack hesitated, but he soon found his shaky fingers swiftly pressing the keys on his keyboard. He stared at the screen, the term entered in the search bar feeling alien to him. He pressed enter, and a numerous amount of results popped up onto his screen in a flash. Jack ignored the two annoying ads at the top, focusing on the very first channel that showed up.


With regret, he clicked the channel name, his vision flooded with multiple videos that were uploaded recently. He clicked one of them, sitting back in his chair and letting it play.

"Hi, my name's Mark. You seem pretty cool! I love your vids :)"

Jack was dumbfounded that Markiplier, the actual Markiplier, privately messaged him on Twitter. Thousands of words poured in his mind, creating chaos and confusing within his brain.

"Wow, you're Markiplier!" Jack replied, feeling like an idiot after the message sent.

"Haha yes I am!" Mark replied almost instantly.

"This is so cool! You're my favorite YouTuber!!!"

"That's so nice of you :D Thanks!"

"So...uh...why did ya msg me?"

"Well I saw a few of your vids and wanted to know if you would collab with me!"

Jack's jaw dropped. Mark had only 5,000 subscribers, Jack falling behind with only 1,000 subscribers. But both of their channels were growing quite fast, and it was Jack's dream to meet his favorite YouTuber. He adored Mark in every aspect, despite him not being as popular as some other YouTubers.

With a smile on his face, Jack messaged Mark his answer. "Of fucking course! What's your Skype?"

When the video ended, Jack's eyes wandered to the amount of subscribers Mark had. One million. (As you can tell, Mark definitely doesn't have as many fans as he does in reality. Don't ask me why.) He didn't want to admit it, but was amazed and very proud. He wanted to congratulate him by sending a text, but he knew his message would go unnoticed. Mark was just too busy.

He clicked on another video, the ridiculous thumbnail making him giggle. As Mark spoke his intro, he paid attention to all of the differences from when he first met the guy. Mark seemed happy and alright, but that just made Jack miss the old Mark even more.

"Alright, Sean, keep your cool. You're about to Skype your favorite YouTuber. Don't fuck up. Don't do it. Shia Labeouf would want you to not do it." Jack spoke to himself, twiddling his thumbs. He froze when he heard the Skype ringtone, then took a deep breath and answered the call.

"Hi, Sean! Let me hear that sexy Irish accent of yours!"

Jack laughed, "Such a gentleman. And you can call me Jack, if you'd like."

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