Winter Wonderland

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This adorable chapter is written by author144!

"Yeah, its okay. I'll just head out for the night." Jack said, wrapping a scarf around his neck and pulling his little hat over his head.
"Are you sure?" his roommate asked, standing next to his girlfriend and staring at the Irishman. Jack had moved to America not too long ago, trying to get involved with more YouTube things and finding a better place to live. He had moved into an apartment with a new friend of his, and he had his girlfriend staying for the holidays. "It's snowing."
"Yeah, its no trouble." Jack responded, waving the warning away of snow and walking out the door. It was a constant reminder that he wouldn't have anyone for the holidays when his roommate's girlfriend came over. He didn't like to think about it, and he figured that coming to America would help, but he felt just as alone as before. He reached into his pocket where a little Septiceye Sam keychain usually sat, but he realized that it was still inside, and he had no intentions of going back in.
The cold of the air wasn't as sharp as Jack had expected it to be, but the big flakes that fell were a surprise. It was pitch black outside, or it would have been if not for all the street lamps scattered around systematically. Jack shoved his hands into his pockets and lowered his head, looking down at the fresh snow as it fell around him.
His breath dissipated on the air as he heaved a great sigh. He hated to think about the fact that he would be on his own once more this holiday. Was there even anyone that he would want around these holidays? Jack realized that he never really talked much to girls, and most of his time was spent with Mark. Blush crept upon his cheeks as he thought about what it would be like to have Mark over instead. He shook his head, knowing these thoughts were simply fantasy. Mark has gone to visit his parents for the holidays anyway, and probably had more important people to be spending the holidays with anyway.
So when Jack looked up to find the said man standing in front of him, he inhaled sharply.
"Mark?" the words left his lips, and he froze as Mark glanced up, a beanie on his head and snowflakes glittered all over his dark jacket. He stood under a lamppost about ten feet in front of Jack, and the Irishman quickly scuffled over to the man. "Mark, what are you doing here? I thought you were leaving to go visit your parents for the holidays." Mark grinned upon seeing the man, turning to him from staring up at the clouds above.
"Nice to see you too, Jack." Jack blushed. "The weather is unfortunately delaying my flight by a couple of days, and so I've been wandering around wondering and letting my mind sort of do its thing. I, uh-.. I was actually just thinking about you." Jack blushed even harder, and looked up. "Its weird, because I've been wondering about the people I spend my time with and how, even though I've met thousands of people, I have found no one that I want to spend special time with on holidays. And it leaves me so.. so empty inside, so lonely. And lately, Jack, I've been spending more of my time wondering about you and how it would be nice to spend these times with you, and I know its crazy, but-.." Mark faltered, and all of these words rushed from his in a single breath, and he stopped to inhale. Jack's cheeks heated up even more, and he swallowed. "But maybe I'm not crazy, Jack. Maybe I'm not." Mark was staring at his feet, his hands clasped in front of him, and with gentle movements, Jack took Mark's cold hands into his own, causing the man to look up abruptly.
"Mark, if I had a snowflake for every time I thought of you, this would be a white winter indeed." Jack said, barely managing to get the words past his lips without a stutter. Mark's cheeks flushed, and he embraced Jack rather roughly. When he pulled back, Jack wasn't ready for the taste of Mark's cold lips, but they were there; they brought a warmth not only to Jack's lips but his heart as well.
As the snow swirled around the pair, the night giving way to the darkness, they both clung to each other amid the winter wonderland they'd finally managed to locate with one another.

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