Ferris Wheel

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Thank you author144 for giving me the idea of writing a day at the carnival :D

Mark never hated carnivals, he just hated the idea of it. Scratch that, he hates everything about carnivals. The spinning rides would make him vomit, he would eat too much cotton candy to the point where he throws up once again, he usually gets lost, and he gets pissed at all the rigged games. But most of all, he hates the ferris wheels.

He's not afraid of heights, he's just afraid of ferris wheels. He always feels like it's going to break because it looks so unstable, and it terrifies him.

He knew how much Jack loves carnivals and he didn't want to ruin this for him, so he said nothing. He loves his boyfriend, and all he wants is for him to be happy.

So here he is, walking around a carnival, grasping Jack's hand and holding on to dear life. Mark hasn't been to a carnival since he was ten, and he surely wishes he wasn't at one now.

"Come on, let's get some cotton candy!" Jack said, pulling Mark to the cotton candy stand.

Mark laughed nervously, "Yeah, I'll pass."

"Aw, really?" Jack was upset, but he got cotton candy anyways and soon forgot that Mark didn't want any. Mark envied Jack's cotton candy, but he didn't want to ruin this day. He wanted Jack to be happy the whole time.

Mark crossed off "cotton candy" on a mental list of what he hates about carnivals. Next up: spinning rides.

"Let's go!" Mark wanted to protest, but he couldn't once he saw the shine in Jack's eyes and his adorable smile. If Jack wanted this, he had to do it.

The whole time they spun around, Mark tried his best to keep it all in, but he still felt like puking.

"This is awesome, dude!" Jack said, laughing.

"I know," Mark burped as he spoke, and he prayed nothing else would come up after that. "right?"

When the ride ended, Mark couldn't help but hug Jack. Some people stared, but Mark didn't care. He squeezed Jack and refused to let him go.

"Okay, Mark, you can, uh, let go now." Jack said, awkwardly hugging Mark back.

"No," Mark replied, digging his face into Jack's shoulder, "I love you too much."

Mark decided to put a line through "spinning rides" on his mental list because he failed to avoid that. All that's left is getting lost, getting pissed at rigged games, and the unstable wheel of Hell.

Jack was finally able to pry Mark off of him, but Mark refused to let go of Jack's hand, which Jack didn't mind. So, the two of them continued walking through the carnival, tightly holding each other's hand.

They walked in silence until Jack suddenly said, "Mark, are you okay? You've been acting different since we got here."

"No, no, I'm fine."

"Maaark. You know that doesn't work on me."

"I just, um, feel a little sick. Don't worry, it'll pass."

"If it gets worse I'm going to worry a lot, so beware."

The two of them continued walking, talking about small things that don't really matter, but are fun to talk about. The small talk ended once Jack spotted a carnival game. Mark knew it was over from there. Without saying a word, Jack pulled Mark over to the game. What was the game? The ring toss, which is the game Mark always gets worked up the most about.

"It's only a dollar per ring, how bad can it be?" Jack said, pulling out his wallet.

Very bad, Mark wanted to say. Instead, he kept his mouth shut. Jack paid six dollars, so they both received three rings. Jack went first, and all of his rings just bounced off the targets. He got pretty close one time, however.

Mark was sweating when it was his turn. He threw the first ring, and it bounced off the target. "Aw, come on!" He shouted. He threw another ring, and the same thing happened. He yelled again. He threw his final ring, and it was no surprise to see the same thing happen once again.

"This... this is bullshit!" Mark yelled in disbelief that he didn't win.

"Okay, Mark, let's just get out of here," Jack dragged Mark away from the game before he would probably start throwing punches. "It's just a simple carnival game, alright? Most of them are rigged anyway."

Mark sighed, looking up at the sky. He noticed it was becoming night, which was usually around the time where he gets lost, and when the wheel of Hell turns on its lights to look more "amazing" and "beautiful" so more people will want to ride it. He put a line through "getting pissed at rigged games."

"So, what's next?" Mark asked, turning to Jack.

Mark almost started crying when Jack said his next words, "Well, I was thinking we could end this night on the ferris wheel."


"Come on, Mark. It won't suck balls, I promise!"

"I'm not doing it."

"Well... t0o bad."

While standing in line, Mark started thinking about his life, the good things and the bad things. If he were to die tonight, he might as well just replay all his memories. But, is Jack really worth a ferris wheel? Yes, yes he is.

When the time came, they both got into the carriage, and Mark was shaking. When everyone else got into their carriages, the ride was ready to begin. Mark whined when it started moving, and Jack laughed. He never knew his manly boyfriend would be afraid of ferris wheels. As the ferris wheel turned and lifted them higher, the carriage started shaking.

"Babe, what's wrong, it's not like this ferris wheel is gonna break or anything!" Jack said, chuckling. Mark stared at him with puppy eyes, wishing he never got on this ride. Jack started purposely rocking the cart because he's a good boyfriend.

"Jack, please stop." Mark squeaked out with a look of terror on his face. Jack laughed once again.

"You're so cute," Jack said, holding Mark. Mark squeezed his eyes shut and prayed this ferris wouldn't kill Jack, himself, or anyone. Soon enough, the ride was over, and Mark ran off it. He refused to let go of Jack's hand, and this time it was his turn to drag Jack somewhere. Where? Their car. Jack drove the two of them home as Mark shook in the passenger seat the whole car ride home. Jack started to ramble on about something, but Mark didn't pay attention. Instead, he was checking "getting lost" on his mental list. Then, he burned the list. He stopped shaking and smiled, glad he was out of the carnival.

"Mark, be honest, did you have a fun time?"

"I was with you, so it was much better than expected."

"I gotta say, you're adorable when you're scared."

Both of them laughed and Mark kissed Jack on the cheek, "Just shut up and drive before I puke everywhere."

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