The Rainiest Night

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Here's a lovely chapter written by the amazing author144!

"No, just leave!" The door slammed in Jack's face, the oak wood leaving a resonating sound that reverberated through the neighborhood several seconds after the noise had occurred. He blinked several times, staring at the door in confusion to what he had just seen; what had just happened. He had come home to his girlfriend's house early, a bouquet of flowers in his hands, and when he walked through the door, he had found her lips connected to another man's. Then, for whatever reason, she had gotten angry with him and kicked him out, leaving him standing in the rain next to the flowers that were now crushed and mangled. Jack stared at them, choking back the tears threatening to make an appearance.

He turned from the house, his presence clearly not welcome. Swallowing, he shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and started off into the rain. He wasn't sure where he was headed, he just knew that he was cold, and already soaked trying to get to his girlfriend's house before getting too wet and failing at that, and he was exhausted. He hadn't expected her to cheat, let alone be the angry one out of the pair.

It was late at night, pitch black outside, before Jack finally returned to society and entered a building. His feet had wandered all over town in the rain, soaking him even more than before if possible, and he figured that they would steer him towards the comfort of home. Rather, they steering him towards his other comfort: gaming. He had arrived at the local Gamestop, and stood outside, staring up at the sign that illuminated the street. He walked in, taking his hat off and squeezing as much water out as he could.

Before he could stop himself and attempt to warm up in front of the heater, he instead found himself moving around the store, wandering and looking over games. There were new arrivals, popular games, retro games that filled Jack with nostalgia, games that were strictly multiplayer, and some that were single player. Jack could only continue to walk around, not wanting to buy anything but to allow his mind to wander off the anomaly that had just occurred. It was progressing later into the night, but he didn't care. This was his passion.

"Jack?" the voice was warm, familiar, deep. Jack turned at its sound, and found himself face to face with the last person that he expected to find that night. Mark. "Jack, what are you doing here? Why- you're soaking wet! Jack, you're going to get sick!" The Irishman took into account his attire and personal wear and considered that he still had a long way until home. He nodded uneasily, and Mark grabbed a hold of him. "C'mon, let's go." Despite the fact that Jack wanted to resist Mark's hospitality and to just go home and rest, he let the man lead him outdoors and straight into his girlfriend. She stared at Jack for a moment, who only stared back, numb both inside and out.

"Jack, look, I didn't mean it. Please come back to me, what you saw meant nothing, I love you," her voice cracked, and she looked at the man with puppy eyes. Jack was too tired to respond, and he didn't care at this point. He was hurt, and didn't know how to tell her so. Luckily, Mark caught on pretty quickly to what was happening.

"Sorry, but I'm actually taking Jack now," the words hit Jack seconds too late as he was already in Mark's car, and strapped into the passenger seat. He watched as his girlfriend screamed profanities at Mark through the downpour, but the man only ignored her, getting into the driver's seat and starting the car. He ran a hand through his hair, slicking it back as it was soaked even from being outside such a short time. He backed out of the parking lot, and despite Jack's exhaustion and confusion, he managed to keep his eyes open until they got to Mark's house.

The man helped him inside, and took his sweatshirt and hat off, setting them by the heater he had set up. Mark then arranged an outfit for Jack, and let the man change into it before leading him towards a bedroom. It had a large bed, and lots of blankets and pillows. It was clearly Mark's bed.

"Isn't this-?" Jack began through a mumble, but Mark hushed him, and helped him under the covers. He drew up the blankets over the Irishman whose eyes were already closing, and Mark ran a hand through his hair like his parents once might have.

"It's okay now." Mark whispered, and Jack thought that he felt the man kiss him goodnight, but he wasn't exactly sure.

He really was too tired to tell.

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