First Kiss, pt 2: The Morning After

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I awoke the next morning to the sun
shining through my drapes into my hotel room. Also, my phone was vibrating on my nightstand in an annoying fashion, and I angrily grabbed it. Why couldn't I wake up peacefully and on my own for once?
"Hello?" I mumbled, my voice not quite steady enough to speak in a single octave.
"Jesus, Jack. You sound like you were up all night." Bob's voice came through the static, and I rolled onto my back, staring at my ceiling. I definitely spent a lot of the night thinking. "Anyway, we're all headed over to you and Mark's hotel for breakfast before we head out today. We'll be there in about ten minutes." Bob the hung up, and I let my phone slip through my fingers onto the bed.
What was he going to think of me today? My brain hadn't thought far enough ahead to consider that Mark might take everything that happened last night completely out of context. For all I know, last night could be the night that he stopped talking to me completely. Instantly my thoughts went to every worst case scenario that there was, and I bit my bottom lip, fear overtaking me. Did I just ruin my friendship?
No. He kissed back. That wouldn't make any sense.
I rolled out of bed, finally. Standing and stretching, I pulled a shirt over my bare torso and opened the blinds. I looked out into the city, and my gaze travelled down to the parking lot where a familiar trio was walking into the lobby. My brain quickly put a plan into motion, and I pulled a pair of clean jeans on, hopping around on one foot while slipping shoes on. If I could make it downstairs before Mark, I could distract myself with my friends, and I could quickly eat food and grab my things from upstairs before he could get a chance to speak with me. If I could move quickly, then I could avoid any awkwardness between us.
"Who says there will even be awkwardness, Jack?" I mumbled to myself as I avoided the elevator entirely for the sake of a possible headache. I took the stairs two at a time, cursing myself for ruining possibly every elevator experience for myself in the future, and rushed into the lobby.
"Top of the mornin' to ya, laddies!" I exclaimed in sarcasm, making Bob, Wade, and Yami turn to me before we all laughed. "How are you guys?"
"I'm pretty tired, actually. I'm not sure that I slept that well." Yami said, turning to look as the breakfast venue was laid out. I nodded, knowing all too well how Yami felt.
"I just want food." Wade said, following Yami to the food and Bob giving a nod of agreement.
"Where's Mark?" I opened my mouth to make a comment about how he was probably sleeping like a log when I became all too aware of a looming presence behind me. "Oh, there he is. Good morning, Mark."
"Morning." the all but too deep voice belonged to no one else, and I felt every muscle in my body stiffen, and I froze completely. Bob gave another nod before following his friends to the food across the room. Suddenly they seemed farther away than normal. I swallowed roughly, taking a deep breath, and then turned to Mark.
"Morning!" I said cheerfully, and then pointed to the food. "I'm going to get some breakfast!" I turned once more to follow Bob, intending to get out of there quickly, but Mark had surprisingly fast reflexes for just waking up.
"Jack, we need to talk," he said in a low voice, and I glanced at him.
"Not now." I hissed out, and walked out of his grasp. I loaded up a plate of food, following Wade to a table and sitting between him and Yami. Bob was going on about having a strange dream the night before as Mark sat next to him, and it was difficult to focus on consuming my food when his chocolate brown eyes were burning into me. Both of us were silent throughout the meal, but anytime I risked glancing up my gaze met his and I had to look away. He wanted to talk to me. He was probably going to be angry.
"Jack, you've been kinda quiet." Bob observed, glancing at me from Mark's side across the table. I looked up at him, shovelling the last bits of my breakfast into my mouth. "And apparently very hungry. More than Wade, and that's saying something!" Wade glanced at him as Yami and Bob laughed. I grinned as best I could before swallowing my large mouthful of food and holding in a belch.
"Sorry, I was famished." I stated, surprised at my own cheeriness and ability to speak smoothly despite Mark's eyes staring me down. "I need to run up to the room and grab a couple of things before we leave though. I'll be right back." I made my way to the elevator rather quickly, ignoring the sudden commotion that followed my leaving. I practically punched the button that was my floor, several times, and I stood in the box as it moved, shaking and hoping that Mark would just stay there.
I hopped out of the elevator, sprinting a couple doors down and throwing my keycard in before flinging the door open, feeling much better in the safety of my room.This was relaxation, my personal area that gave me the isolation that I needed.
However, it only works if you shut and lock your door.
I turned and Mark stood in my doorway, panting and leaning against the frame. He sprinted up the stairs I realized, and I swallowed. He walked swiftly towards me, and I felt panic rising in my throat.
"Look, Mark-!" I began, but I was interrupted as he swiftly grabbed my face and kissed me. It wasn't rushed as it had been last night, but rather something that was soft. His lips were gentle against mine, tugging my lower lip as his arms snaked around my waist. His fingers gripped at my shirt, brushing a bit of my skin and leaving it burning at his touch. It was just as needy as last night, and I felt my face flushing pure red. I could feel Mark's hands reaching for the front of my jacket to pull it from me, and I pulled away at that point, staring at him. We stood in silence for a few moments, simply staring at one another. "You're not mad at me?"
"Why would I be angry with you?" he asked softly, and I looked into the brown pools that were his eyes. "You gave me something I've never had, and believe it or not I enjoyed it. I've been trying to tell you that all morning but you've been avoiding me." Suddenly I felt like a terrible person, and before I could apologize Mark kissed me again, very softly but passionately, not lustful or rushed. Just.. simply there. I pulled away, looking him up and down.
"Mark, are you sure about this?"
"Never been surer." I leaned my forehead against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder. We sat for a few moments like this, just listening to one another breathe, and I finally looked back at him.
"How are we gonna tell the guys?" I asked.
"Don't worry about it, we already know." Bob's voice sounded from the doorway, and the pair turned to find their trio of friends standing there. Yami had a hand over his mouth and was giggling furiously, Bob stood there simply watching, and Wade had his phone out, the device emitting a flash and a shutter sound.
Mark ran after the man in an instant.
"Give that here, Wade!" and the pair shot out the door, leaving Jack to wonder what the future would hold between him and his new.. boyfriend? Was that the word? As Jack began analyzing his emotions, he smiled to himself, joining Bob and Yami in laughing at Wade's escape.
Yes, boyfriend was the correct term.

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