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And so it continues...

Jack gaped as Mark opened the door to a neat house, tidied up and smelling rather fresh. The living area was first to be seen to the left, a bathroom straight across the front door, and a hallway leading off to the kitchen and dining room to the right. The whole house was brightly lit, giving off a warm vibe, and it was large. Jack had to stop in the doorway to take all of it in before Mark's chuckle could drag him away.
"You're looking at it like it's a mansion, Jack," he said, and Jack glanced at him, blushing at his reaction.
"Sorry, I just didn't expect it to be so beautiful, and neat." Mark frowned, looking confused as he stared forward, and simply laughed even more.
"I'll try my hardest not to be offended by that." Jack instantly felt embarrassed, but Mark seemed to brush it off rather quickly. He beckoned the Irishman to follow him, and led the way up some stairs. The upstairs had a balcony overlooking the living area, and behind that were two rooms. Mark opened one of them, revealing an even neater guest room that looked untouched. There was a desk, and a bed with dark blue covers and several pillows. The room seemed colder than the rest of the house; seeing as how its door was closed it wasn't surprising. "Please make yourself at home." Mark said, and he left Jack some privacy there.
Jack swallowed roughly, doing his best not to think about what happened back home as he changed into more comfortable clothes. It had all hit him so quickly, and his reaction time had been little to zero. His mother hadn't wanted him to leave, she wanted him to stay and help give peace throughout the family, he had always done it. Yet what had been seemingly a wall loomed in front of him, and the second that hell broke loose he didn't know how to get around it. Bob had been the only one on Skype, and Jack ranted for several hours about his emotional state. Wade was informed the following day, and the suggestion of staying in America for awhile came up. Jack set the picture of his family photos, the last time they were taken, in a frame on the desk. They would be in his heart at least until this blew over.
A delightful scent hit Jack's nose, and he frowned. Standing up, he left his jacket and luggage in the room, pausing only to remove his gaming laptop and set it up on the desk. He went down the stairs slowly, his reeling mind making him slightly dizzy. He made his way into the kitchen, following the smell and found Mark standing with his back to him in plaid sweat pants. Jack instantly realized that Mark was making tea for him, and he felt happiness and thankfulness swell in his chest. Mark turned, jumping slightly at Jack's sudden appearance.
"Jesus, Jack. You scared the shit out of me." Mark chuckled, holding a hand to his chest. The doorbell interrupted Jack's response, and Mark flew by him. "The tea is ready, feel free to make some!" Jack watched him disappear behind the corner before slowly making himself some of the hot beverage. It smelled amazing, like home, and Jack fixed it the way he liked before returning to the living area where Mark disappeared. He nearly spit out his first drink of tea. Mark had a pizza on the table, along with several blankets that lined his couch. There was a stack of movie on the coffee table in front of them, and Mark paid the pizza delivery man some money and carried a soda over.
"Oh, hey!" Mark exclaimed, waving him over. "There's food here when you're ready, soda if you want although I figured that you might want something more home-like. There's also, like, 4 different flavors of ice cream in the freezer if you want any. I don't know why, but I crave a different ice cream every day, so there's that. Also, this huge stack of movies is for you and I to watch. We can game some tomorrow, and explain to the fans what's going on. Let the Septiplier ship sail!" Mark shouted the last part, and Jack couldn't help but laugh as Mark put in a movie; Jack sat on the couch.
"Mark, you really didn't have to do all of this for me." Jack said, giving him a warm smile. Mark looked taken aback at first when he joined the Irishman on the couch. Then, he smiled to himself and faced Jack.
"You are one of my closest friends. I love having you around, and talking to you, everything about you is simply amazing. Now that you're here, now that you're in trouble and you need help, I'm going to be here for you. Every step of the way, no matter what happens, you can lean on me. I'll bear the weight of this one with you, if not for you, alright? No one has to go it alone." Mark smiled, and then turned to the pizza. "Hungry?" Jack could only nod.
How could one form words after such an incredible speech from an even more amazing man?

To be continued...

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