You Mean the World (#3)

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You may be asking yourself why we have two miniseries in this book of one-shots. I just want to establish that, in my miniseries, I'm trying to make it so everything can work as a one-shot with only small cliffhangers. I hope I'm not doing too bad of a job at that!

Also, a few of my favorite TV shows make some cameos in this chapter ;D I definitely watch a lot more, but I just chose whatever came to my mind first. Heh. If any of you watch the shows that will mentioned in this chapter I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER

There's also a new cover! What do you guys think? :)

This chapter is going up a day early, just because I have the power to do so. I also just don't feel like waiting sooooooooooooo...

In less than a week, we managed to hit 10 thousand votes. Yes, you heard me correctly. WE REACHED 10 THOUSAND VOTES. I could never describe how grateful I am for this, and I could never thank you enough for all you've done for me. Thank you all so much for bringing us to 150k reads, 10k votes, and 5k comments. Every single vote this story receives makes me so damn happy, because it makes me realize that somebody actually appreciates what I've written, and that means so goddamn much. Knowing that you guys are in my life, leaving you're lovely comments that can make me smile and laugh, will always brighten up my day. Just...thank you guys so damn much.

author144, thank you so much for working with me. You are such a fantastic person and a phenomenal writer, and it's just so wonderful that I can call you my friend. This is your book too, and without your help, this book never would've made it that far. Thank you for being such a huge help, and I'll never stop saying how much of an honor it is to have you a part of this book. 

I love you all so much. I know it gets old when I say it so much, but I genuinely mean it. You guys mean so goddamn much to me, and my life would be so bland if you guys weren't such a huge part of it. I absolutely love to write, and knowing that people actually enjoy what I write helps motivate me to keep going on.

Thank you all so fucking much for being so wonderful. I love all of you so much <333

Now, let's get on to the story, shall we? This note has lasted a little too long...

"Do I matter to you?"


"Sean, do I matter to you?"

Sean's eyes widened in the sudden shock of Mark's question. It had been two hours since they both woke up after spending the night together, and they were currently sitting at the dining table, happily eating Cheerios. But with Mark asking such a strange question, it became a mystery to Sean as to whether or not his happiness was just an illusion.

"Of course ya do, Mark. You wouldn't be eatin' Cheerios wit' me if you didn't matter t' me."

Mark paused, taking his time to chew his food and swallow before speaking again. "Okay."

"O-Okay? Why okay?" Sean's words came out a bit too harshly, which led Mark to somewhat flinching.

"Just...Never mind. Let's just act like this conversation never happened, alright?"

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