Not a Party Animal

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Jack was terrified. He had lost Mark in the crowd of people, and he was too afraid to try and find him. So, there he was, in the corner of a very loud room with a cup full of water instead of beer. He carefully took a sip, watching everyone dance to the loud music. They all had to yell to talk to each other, and Jack really wanted to just jump out the window.

"Why hello there, you sexy beast," a woman said, carefully checking out Jack. "Would you care to join me in bed?"

"Um, sorry, but no. I'm taken." Jack replied quietly. He started breathing heavily and the world around him spun in circles. Sweat dripped down his forehead, but nobody noticed.

"Aw, babe, that's okay. That doesn't mean we can't have a little fun..." She placed her hand on his chest and slowly let it travel down towards Jack's 'off-limits' spot.

"Please get off me." he said, shaking as he tried pushing her away.

"Come on, babe. You know you want me."

"No, I really don't." Jack was terrified. This woman wouldn't stop until she got what she wanted. Mark, Jack thought, please help me...

On the other side of the house, Mark was also terrified. He had dropped his cup full of beer when realizing Jack wasn't with him, and he had been spending the past ten minutes trying to look for his boyfriend. He thought Jack was with him the entire time, but they must've lost each other in the crowd.

"Mark!" somebody suddenly yelled, putting their hand on Mark's shoulder. Mark turned to see Bob with Wade standing next to him. "How's the party?"

"Uh, great," Mark spoke quickly, not wanting to waste any time. "Have you seen Jack?"

"Nope! He probably left, anyway. He doesn't seem like a party animal. Hey, why don't you stay for a drink-" Before Bob could finish his sentence, Mark had already continued to push himself through the crowd of people.

He didn't listen to Jack when he said he didn't like parties. He remembered Jack saying how he would have panic attacks because of the large crowds, but Mark didn't pay much attention to this. He thought he would have a great time, but when they got separated, Mark knew nothing was alright. He had to take his boyfriend home and keep him safe; keep him happy.

The house was huge, and Jack could be anywhere, and he could also be lost. Mark couldn't bear to think about what he had put Jack through. He just needed to find Jack and get him out of this hellhole. He cares about Jack, and all he wants is for his Irishman to be safe.

"Jack? Jack!" Mark tried yelling over the loud music.

"M-Mark?!" Mark's eyes widened at the quiet sound of Jack's familiar Irish accent calling out to him. "Mark, help!"

Mark frantically looked around and tried to follow Jack's voice, running up the stairs because that's where it seemed to be coming from. He prayed that he was right because he needed to find Jack.

"Jack, baby, where are you?" Mark yelled on the verge of tears, feeling regret for the mistake he made. He tried his best to block out the loud music to only focus on Jack's voice.


He ran around upstairs, trying to spot his Irishman. People gave him dirty looks as he pushed everyone, not bothering to apologize. At that moment, his only objective was to find his boyfriend.

"Get off of me, you bitch!" a familiar cry for help came from a closed room. Mark attempted to open the door, which was thankfully unlocked.

What he saw was terrible. A woman he had never seen before was on top of Jack and pinning him down on a bed. He did the only thing he could think of and launched himself at her, freeing Jack from her grasp. She spat on him, but Mark didn't seem to care.

"Run, Jack!" Jack did as he was told, soon being followed by Mark. The woman didn't bother chasing them, for she was offended. Besides, she was interested in a few other men she saw while making her way towards Jack.

Jack collapsed on the grass when he made it outside. He took deep breaths and closed his eyes, wiping away the mixture of sweat and tears on his face. He waited for his world to stop spinning. Mark stood next to him, trying to catch his breath.

"I-I'm so s-sorry, Jack," Mark said, sniffling and wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. "I sh-should have listen to you."

"I love y-you so mu-mu..." Jack's voice trailed off and he buried his face into Mark's shoulder. He just wanted this night to be over. "I love you so much."

"I'll never lose you again. I won't ever let that happen to you another time."

Jack didn't reply because he didn't really know what to say. Maybe his boyfriend did make a mistake, but all he wanted was to be in his arms until the end of time. That's where he felt safe, no matter what.

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