Chick Flick

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Thank you so much @TC_Whovian for suggesting I write a fluffy one-shot based off of the cover!

UPDATE: The cover just changed, so I attached the fan art/cover this chapter was inspired by :)

Jack expected to open his eyes and see the plain old ceiling, turning to see his perfect boyfriend sleeping next to him, just as he expects to see every morning. It was always the same, which meant a possible difference in that routine would most likely mean something bad. That's why Jack screamed when he woke up to see Mark wasn't beside him.

"Mark?" he yelled, immediately leaning up and frantically looking around, "Where are you?"

He got out of bed and ran down the hall, quickly glancing at the rooms he passed. Despite how fast he was moving, he could still clearly see that Mark was nowhere to be found. Well, of course, until he appeared behind Jack.

"Top o' the mornin' to ya Jackarooney!" Mark suddenly said with one of the worst possible Irish accents, making Jack instantly turn around. Mark was wearing Jack's cap, a huge smile planted on his face. He was in his flannel jacket and pajama bottoms, whereas Jack was shirtless and wearing shorts. Jack rolled his eyes and sighed in relief, grateful that nothing bad had happened, then laughed at Mark's stupidity. "My name is Markiplier, and-"

Mark ran down the hall and swooped up Jack, holding him bridal-style. His smile grew as he saw Jack's reaction. Jack started to blush harder as Mark held him, taking off Jack's cap and placing it back on the head of its rightful owner.

"-I love you!" Mark sang as he finished his sentence, leading Jack to giggle as if he were a lovestruck teenage girl. Jack readjusted his cap, only to have Mark close the gap in between them, their lips fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle. Their eyes closed, letting the warm sensation of the kiss fill their bodies.

They broke apart, their eyes shining and showing their emotions; they were happily in love. Mark carried Jack downstairs, setting him down in a chair in their dining room. He ran into the kitchen and came back with a cup of coffee for Jack, who could do nothing else but sit there and stare at Mark in awe. Words could barely describe how wonderful Mark made him feel.

"Why the hell are you doing all of this for me?" Jack asked, taking a sip of coffee.

"Because every time I look at you, I wonder how I got so damn lucky to be able to call you mine."

"Oh, just shut up and kiss me, you goober!" Jack replied with a laugh, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck and kissing him. It only took until the next time they pulled away from each other when Jack started getting cold. Mark noticed him shivering, so he was quick to take off his flannel jacket it and wrap it around Jack.

"Here you go, babe." he said, kissing Jack on the forehead.

"Thank you, Mark." Jack replied, properly putting on Mark's flannel.

Mark stared at Jack, checking him out from his head to his toes, saying, "God, you look so adorable in my clothes, especially because you aren't as manly as me."

Jack laughed as Mark flexed and kissed his biceps.

"Hey, even if your jacket is big on me, you're still the little spoon!"

"Shush! Nobody needs to know that..."

Mark joined in with Jack at laughing at his own ridiculousness. Once they were both able to stop laughing, Jack finished his coffee and decided to take off his cap (for whatever reason), but got up to refill his mug. He stared off into space as the mug slowly filled up with coffee once again, but he made sure to pay attention to when it would overflow so he could stop pouring the coffee.

He took another sip, eying the doorway to the dining room. One little thing, he thought, could've changed everything. The smallest of differences could have separated me from him. I would wake up with no one next to me, I wouldn't have anyone to kiss and hug throughout the day, and I would be so fucking miserable if Mark was never a part of my life.

"Uh, Jack?" Mark said, waving his hand in front of Jack, who rapidly blinked his eyes a couple of times and snapped back into reality. He suddenly wrapped his arms around Jack's waist and pulled him closer, smirking when he saw Jack's surprised facial expression. He placed his arms over Mark's shoulders, making sure to hold his mug with both hands so he wouldn't drop it.

"Doesn't this feel so... right?" Jack asked, staring into Mark's eyes, "It just feels like this wouldn't be the same if it was with someone else. I can't imagine what I'd do if you weren't with me."

"Well, I guess it's safe to say that we're meant to be. Life wouldn't be worth living if we weren't together."

They both leaned forward, their foreheads and the tips of their noses touching. They couldn't stop staring into each others' eyes, easily getting lost in their beauty. The world around them disappeared, seeming as if the only thing that existed was the two of them.

"God," Jack breathed out as he admired everything about his boyfriend, "we are such a shitty chick flick."

"If you consider us a chick flick, then I'd want to rewatch this specific chick-flick until I die."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Jack."

Mark swiftly pulled away from Jack and ripped the coffee mug straight out of Jack's hands, spilling only a little bit. He started chugging the coffee until it was all gone, a fiendish grin spreading across his face.

"You sack o' tits!" Jack said, getting Mark to laugh. He set down the empty coffee mug and started to run away, but Jack was able to catch up with him and tackle him, pinning the still-laughing Mark to the ground.

"This is for my coffee, you bastard!" Jack laughed.

He rolled off of Mark a few moments later, laying down next to him. He glanced at Mark's open hand, taking the chance to intertwine their fingers together. Neither of them could've asked to be with anyone else; meeting each other was a dream come true.

"You still love me, right?" Mark jokingly asked.

The corners of his lips rose as he replied to Mark, "I'll love you 'til we're old and dying and I can no longer handle your shit. Good thing we're both immortal, so that'll never happen."

They both chuckled and Mark closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before speaking again.

"I'll love you until the end of our chick flick, babe."

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