Three Words

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Sorry for the late update. I love you guys, but updates from me MAY be coming once every 1-2 weeks from now on. I've no longer been in the mood for writing, but don't worry, I'm trying to fix that! This chapter is a lot longer than my usual ones, so I hope you guys enjoy it!

Not once has Mark said those special three words. He wants to, he really does, but his mind won't let him. Maybe it's his fear of rejection, maybe it's his fear of what would happen next in their relationship. But, not matter what, Mark loved Jack, and he was going to find a away to say it.

By the end of today, Mark thought, I'm going to tell Jack that I love him.

"Hey, Jack." Mark appeared behind his boyfriend, who was getting some cereal, and wrapped his arm around his waist, leaning over to kiss Jack's cheek.

"Oh, stop it, you adorable bastard." Jack said, smiling as he poured the cereal into the bowl.

"I think that cereal is great. I love that cereal; it's amazing. You wanna get a puppy?" Mark rambled on, trying to see if Jack would put the first three words of each sentence together. When talking about 'love,' Mark's mind would turn into mashed potatoes. His thoughts would no longer connect, and neither would his words. Jack, of course, never realized this.

"I have no idea how you started talking about cereal and then jumped to puppies." Jack chuckled.

Mark rubbed the back of his neck and blushed, "I don't know, either."

"But, were you serious about getting a puppy? 'Cause I would love one!"

"We're going to the animal shelter today, and we're getting an adorable puppy!" They both cheered and Jack finished preparing his cereal. He left the kitchen to go sit on the couch and watch some TV.

Mark leaned on the counted and out his head in his hands, groaning. He doesn't know how he can say it. He is madly in love with Jack, and he spent two years without saying it. They've been dating for two years, and Mark never said anything. Jack wanted to say it as well, but he thought it was quite obvious, so he decided he shouldn't need to say anything.

Mark left the kitchen to sit on the couch with Jack. He plopped down on the couch and laid down, resting his head on Jack's leg. Jack held his cereal bowl with one hand and ran his other hand through Mark's soft hair.

"Jack, I l-lo-lo..." Mark just couldn't get the words out. "I like your face."


Mark raised his hand and squished Jack's cheek, the awkward tension rising, "You're adorable."

"Um, I'm just going to... put my cereal away." The bowl was still half full. He barely ate anything, so when Jack arrived at the kitchen, he completely swallowed whatever was left.

How the hell do I do this? Mark thought. Why can't I just tell him?

"Video games!" Jack yelled, reappearing in the living room and jumping on the couch. He turned on his PS4, handing a controller to Mark. "By the way, Markle Sparkle, I like your face, too."

"Why thank you, I know I'm very handsome." The two laughed, smiles plastered on their faces. Mark's smile soon faded away when he realized that saying those three words would be impossible. As much as it would kill him to say it to Jack, he just can't bring himself to do it. His fears were stopping him, and he let them.

A few hours passed and it was finally eleven o' clock; they were ready to go to the animal shelter. Mark was trying not to start squealing and jumping from excitement, and Jack was trying not to laugh at Mark's ridiculousness.

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