Oh No!

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“Captivating” Josh interrupt the conversation.

Kyle looks at Josh, You cannot choose between these two fine gentlemen. Both of them have good looks and aura. Kyle is the boy next door type, while Josh is the ruggedly handsome kind of guy.

Both of them can dominate the attention of every people in the room and Ely felt slightly flattered that she catches their eyes. ‘No more one night stands Ely’ she warns herself.

“Isn’t she?” Kyle smiled at Josh. “Ana you are beyond captivating sweetheart.” Kyle compliments Ana.

“Oh, please” Ana smiled “We are talking about our writer, I don’t want to steal the attention from her.”

“You’re not stealing anything babe” Josh gently caress Ana’s back “My attention is on you.”

‘My attention is on you, bull! You remember the word’ Ely slightly shake her head.

“Why don’t we have dinner” Johnny said “Aren’t we all starving.

Everybody gather around the table. Each and everyone talk about the project. Ely didn’t participate on the conversation, she’s seating in between Johnny and Kyle, opposites Liza, Tony, Josh and Ana.

She avoids Josh eyes, she’s uncomfortable, it’s either Johnny or Kyle attends to her needs, if she needs water or more food or drinks. Ely only answered with slight shake of her head or her shy smile.

“So Ely” out of nowhere Josh said “When did you become a writer?”

‘When you got me pregnant’ but of course she can’t say that. “Not so long ago” she answered uncomfortably.

“Was it always your dream?” Johnny asks.

“Yeah it is” Ely lied of course she wanted to be a reporter if only she didn’t conceived the romantic retardation that evening she maybe now a famous reporter not a writer.

And she would not be this uncomfortable.

“Didn’t you take journalism?” Josh asks.

“How did you know that?” Ely need to say something ‘that is a stupid question’ she told to herself, ‘of course he knew, you told him that in Jersey’.

But to her surprise Josh have an answer to her question.

“Liza told me.”

Josh plastered a poker face. Ely tried to find the Josh she met at Jersey but he is not there. ‘Okay, you want to play fools game; I will give you a dose of your own medicine.’ Ely said to herself again.

 Ely composed herself and lift her head high. “Hmm, I wonder what else did my agent told you about me.” She didn’t take her eyes off to Josh as she sips at her champagne glass.

 She can’t be always uncomfortable with this man presence. She needs to be strong and confident. There is nothing to be ashamed of; she can be ashamed with all the people in the world but not with Josh Scurlock. She got pregnant out of wedlock because of this man and she won’t be ashamed of him.

“Just that” Josh shrugged his shoulder “Is there anything else Liza needs to tell me?”

“None that I know you would be interested.” Ely’s tone of voice is challenging Josh.

“Well, I didn’t find you interesting no offense.” Josh look at her firmly.

“None taken” She smiled at him, the kind of ‘let go of your smile in Jersey’.

After dinner everybody stays for the party, there is some music, everybody dance except for Ely. She just stay at the bar and watched the guests enjoy the party. Tony and Liza accompany her on the bar after their dance.

“Are you trying to get yourself drunk?” Tony asks.

“I’m not driving” Ely said. He sips on her glass.

“Do you want to explain us what happened on the dinner table?” Liza said.

“He’s arrogant and I don’t like it that’s what happened.”

“Mr. Arrogant didn’t take his eyes off you?” Tony is teasing Ely.

“And Mr. Arrogant seems to like you because he’s with the sexiest woman alive but his attention is on you.” Liza followed Tony’s teased.

“You two could be a very good writer.” Ely ignores her friends teasing, “You have pretty interesting imaginations.”

“Well you’re the writer,” Tony said “And you know very well we don’t imagine things, you can read people’s feelings, and you are very good in reading people’s behavior.”

“Yeah right” Ely laughs ‘I doubt that, why can’t I read Josh.’ She said to herself.

Then she turns her eyes to Josh, and her friends are right.

Josh Scurlock is looking at her.

Million Miles Away (Pentagon Series Book II)Where stories live. Discover now