Kyle & Ely

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Sorry, it's been 17 days I think since the last time I published, I watched supernatural series on DVD (Season 1 to 10 it has 22 episodes on each season sometimes 23 episodes..42/43 minutes per episode) the math, (Not to mention I've got household chores and business to attend to) that's why I've been quiet this past few days, or know I can't just simply update and ignore you nicest people on earth with your votes and comments so I decided not to publish since I'm pretty busy with my own meaning of leisure. Sorry to keep you guys waiting, here is another update.


Next day on the set...

"So...what happened between you and the famous Josh Scurlock?" Kyle asks Ely.

Ever since this morning Kyle has been acting weird.

"I tried to get a hold of you last night." Ely said "But I end up on your voicemail."

"Yeah, I received all your messages." Kyle drawled.

"Nothing happened last night Kyle, we just had dinner."

"Yeah" Kyle scoffs "Dinner at Alexandra's Kitchen."

"How did you know, did you follow us last night?" Ely started to feel annoyed.

"I maybe madly in love with you Ely but I am not that obsessed." Kyle's tone is upset "I called the restaurant to cancel our reservation. The receptionist said she's expecting my cancellation because Ely Reyes is with Mr. Josh Scurlock."

"That is inappropriate" Ely said.

Ely is right the receptionist shouldn't say anything.

"Don't worry, she apologized" Kyle chuckles.

"Oh, jeez, I look like a two timer." Ely said.

"Are you" Kyle look at Ely "Two-timing me?"

"I don't like the tone of your voice Kyle." Ely said "What is your problem?"

"I'm sorry Ely." Kyle apologize "I know I am not in the position to be jealous but I am."

"There is no reason to be jealous Kyle."

"Yeah right" Kyle scoffs again then he looks at nowhere and said "we've been doing this for three months Ely, we are about to finish shooting and to be honest, I don't know what kind of relationship we have."

"I thought you said you are not going to pressure me Kyle?"

"I am not, but we are talking about Josh Scurlock! How can I compete with that man? How can I compete with..." Kyle turn his eyes to Ely there's a defeat look in his eyes "How can I compete with the father of your child."

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