Things Are Out Of Hand

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Post production meeting, Ely needs to be there and for sure Kyle will be there also. This is going to be the first time they will see each other again after Kyle broke up with her.

It's been a week, she tried to call Kyle but she can't get a hold of him, she even texted him but Kyle didn't reply. It's kind of awkward, Kyle said they would still be friends but she knew things would never be the same between them.

And she can't blame Kyle, but she's hoping they will be friends. When Ely entered the room it's just Kyle and Ana.

"Where is everybody?" Ely asks but she looked at Ana, she avoids looking at Kyle.

"Hello to you too." Kyle said with a smile on his face.

Ely smiled back at him uncomfortably, Kyle stands up and opens his arms welcoming her "Is that how you greet a friend." he said.

Ely smile widely then hugged Kyle, she greeted Ana with a peck of kiss on both cheeks. Kyle is in a merry mood, Ely felt relieved knowing that Kyle didn't hold a grudge on her and she's happy with that.

"I thought this is a production meeting what are you doing here Ana?" Ely asks.

"Kyle asks the same thing when I came in and I don't know, Johnny called and he said I need to be here so here I am."

Before Ely can say another word the door opens, it was Johnny; he greeted every one with a wave of his hand then occupies a seat.

"What is this meeting for, where is everybody?" Kyle asks.

"There is no everybody." Johnny rests his back on the chair "We are waiting for one person only. Josh asked for this meeting and he didn't tell me why, he just said he needs to talk to all of us"

"Is there a problem?" Ana asks.

"I don't know" Johnny said while his face delivered a look that he really doesn't know anything then he asks Ana "You tell us what is going on, he's your boyfriend, right?"

"We broke up." Ana said instantly.

Ely looked at Ana.

"When did you break up?" Kyle asks.

"About almost two months ago" Ana answered sluggishly.

"So it's true" Johnny stared at Ana "Are you okay?" Johnny asks, but he's more like he's mocking at her than he's concerned.

"I can live if that is what you're asking?" Ana said it with hostility.

"So you're not okay." Johnny continues to tease her.

"I'm fine Johnny, your brother and I remained friends, no hard feelings, he's my best friend and nothing can change that."

"Is that possible? Can you still be friends with your ex?" Ely asks.

"Before Ana can answer Josh came in.

"Hello everybody" Josh greeted everyone merrily.

"So...what is this all about?" Ana asks.

"Patience my friend, patience" Josh said while he gently pinched her nose.

"We don't have time for your jokes Josh." Johnny said to his brother, he's running out of patience.

"Hey, easy brother!" Josh smiled sweetly and motion his hand like he surrender. But his brother didn't react and so did Ana and Kyle. Josh had no choice but to take things really seriously.

"Okay I called you guys here to tell you..." Josh paused, 'they would never like what am I going to tell them' he said to himself but he continued "I'm not going to take part on this one." Josh referred with the next project, Ely's second bestseller.

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