It's Not Funny

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Ely was at her home and her friends visited her, They were there when she received a bouquet of flowers from Kyle. He took the courting seriously; Kyle became a regular visitor at her place. Ely has been polite with Kyle; she knows there is no way she can stop him.

He's pretty serious on winning her affection; Kyle is not only nice to her but also to her kid and her family and Ely appreciate that. But she's struggling with her feelings on Kyle. He may be nice but Ely is afraid of commitments.

She has a kid, it's not easy to just simply put herself into a relationship and break things off if it didn't work out. She needs to be careful and set an example to her daughter.

"So, what's with the director?" Liza asks Ely.


"Yeah, flowers, dinners, going out for a movie, that is really nothing Ely."

"Oh, come on Liz, we all have dinner sometimes, you, me and Tony. We watched movies together, we go out."

"Yeah, but we go out together, not just you and Tony. But you and Kyle, there is something going on with you guys."

"There is no me and Kyle, and let me remind you go out alone with Tony."

"Purely platonic" Tony smirks. "How about Josh?" Tony asks.

"I knew you would ask about him." Ely said "Forget about that man because he's out of the picture."

"So, it's Kyle then?"

"What! No! Can you guys please stop? Kyle and I are just friends. I've got priorities."

"You are obsessed" Liza said "There's more to life that just work."

"Other people really like to have a job, and being in a relationship...that is not a job Liz.

"Technically, it is not a job" Tony butts in "But it is hard work, stop chasing your past, these..." Tony motions his hand over her place and Levy "These are your present, and your future is out there. It's time to let go Ely."

"I am not chasing my past, you said it yourself, and Josh is my past and I already gotten over him." Ely furrowed her eyebrows.

"You're not a very good liar Ely" Liza said.

"Kyle is a good man." Tony adds.

"I know that."

"Then stop chasing your past and start facing your future." Liza said.

"I told you I am not chasing my past..."

"And I told you are not a very good liar."

"You are not getting any younger my friend. You have a career, financially speaking you're well-off, you have a beautiful daughter and..."

"Exactly I have a daughter that is why I am being like this."

"For years, you've neglected yourself of being happy because of your kid and your work. It's about time you thought about your own self and be happy for once."

"I am happy."

"Yeah right" Liza scoffs.


The next day, Ely went to the grocery. She has some troubles with her car again so she took a bus. Her plan is to take a cab on her way home when Johnny came.

"Need a lift?"

Ely smiled.

"No, thank you, I've already called a cab."

"With those groceries, I don't think a cab is a good idea."

"I'm fine really..."

"Come on, I'm not busy and I can take you to your place, what kind of producer and a friend I am if I will let you take a cab."

Johnny gets off to his car and started to put the groceries on the trunk.

"You really don't have to do this Johnny, I told you already I called a cab and it would be inconvenient for the driver if he came and I'm no longer here."

"Then we will wait for the cab and we'll pay him for his trouble." Johnny winked.

"Thanks, but I can handle a cab really."

"I insist, besides I have your groceries on my trunk."

Ely gave in, they waited for the cab. Johnny insists to pay for the driver's trouble. Ely had no other choice but to let Johnny take the lead. When they reached her place Johnny help her with her groceries.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Johnny smiled.

"I'm sorry but my place is kind of mess right now and..."

"I didn't come here to check if you're suffering from obsessive-compulsive behavior. My place can be a mess sometimes. It's okay."

"I'm so sorry Johnny maybe next time."

Johnny looks at Ely; it's obvious she's uncomfortable with the situation so he gives in.

"Yeah, maybe next time and I am looking forward to that." Johnny smiled and left.

Ely sighs with relief. How long she can keep her Levy from this people. One day they will know.

'I'll cross the bridge when I get there.' Ely said to herself.

A lot of people know about Levy. Ever since she crossed path with Josh, things became out of hand. Tony and Liza have knowledge of who's the father of her child.

They managed to keep it a secret from her family, they never talked about it in front of them and Kyle didn't bother to ask who the father is.

A question ponders on her mind 'does Kyle have an idea?' But Ely ignore the idea.

'Cross the bridge when you get there Ely' she convince her self again.

Million Miles Away (Pentagon Series Book II)Where stories live. Discover now