Me & You Can Make One Night Last Forever

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So im getting to the end of my first set of the honeymoon tour. And its been an amazing experence!. i travled parts of this earth that i have never been before!. i just cant be more thankful, blessed & happy of how amazing this time has been for us. Now im making new music already made 7 new songs that i love alot & they mean the world to me. Most of em are about grandpa, Nonna, Sean, Me, my life, and how i feel about everything, in this great big world and me one small, petite Grande. And Sean has been to pretty much every little part of Canada. i miss him like crazy!. its really hard when were both on tour at the same time. He's been to the Bahammas,Japan,Canada, other crazyly beautiful countries, and iv been traveling all over the northern part of America. My secound jet lag, of the tour some of the places that i will be attending to is, Japan,Europe,Paris, and many others. But i will have a break after this 1st part of the jet lag is finished, a very well needed break, don't get me wrong i love everything i do/everybody, but i just need only 1 human you know. 1 human that will be 22 very soooon!. ugh. im getting not really lol.. Sean is done with his Canada part of his tour! he will be in america for the most part. maybe, a few trips out of the country not alot so proud of him! beyond that. its a goddamn honor to be Sean Anderson's girlfriend!!!!!. ugh, i love him so much. Tonight, its gonna be a good ass niight. im staying home for a few dayss.... since i have like 3 preformances here in L.A, and i get to see my babies!!!, were on our way home now, and Sean should be home in a few hours from Canada, i wanna see if we can hang out tonight, he haves to get to Alanta in the afternoon, so we should have time. my heart is exploding!!!

To: My baby <3

hii my baabe, im omw home i miss you !

From: My baby <3

wtf!!?? your coming home??

To: My baby <33

lol, yeahh and i wanna seeee youuu

From: My baby <3

i miss you tooo baby, im coming home now, should get there in about 3 hrs. fuck. i wna see you now. ill come over when we get home..

To: My baby <3

Okay baby thats okay, i will see youu soon, i have some surprises that we will both enjoy toniight. i love youu

From: My baby <3

goddamn baby girl, you got me hard lmao. will you keep on workin on those surprises and i will be coming home to your sexy ass soon i love you baby.

To: My baby <3

Lmao!! will do my will be the best night of your life i swearr..

From: My baby <3

you're the best thing that has ever happened to me baby. i love you so much, you have no idea. you're my baby no matter what. i don't care what you do, if it involves surprises, sex etc. its not the things you do for me, its just you the way that you are, the person that you are, the way you love me, i will always love you. its not the things that you do tonight to make it good, its you that make it good. i love you.

Oh my god. i love him so much. how can one person, one fucking person, make me feel so happy, so loved, so beautiful, so wonderful. He's the man of my dreams!, he's the babe of my heart. i love him so much, i want to spend the rest of my life with this man!. i started crying, happy tears, and i guess everyone around me noticed. 'baby whats wrong?' tyler asked, ''the message sean sent me' i said, 'what is it? read it beautiful' tyler said hugging me, 'i love you' i said hugging back, 'okay here it is' i said taking a deep breath. 'youre the best thing that has ever happened to me baby.i love you so much you have no idea. youre my baby no matter what. i dont care what you do if it involves surprises sex etc, its not the things you do for me, its just the way you are the person that you are, the way you love me, i will always love you. its not the things you do tonight that make it good, its you that make it good. i love you.' i said crying more, 'whats wrong with that love?' mama asked, teary eyes 'nothing! nothing at all! i just love him so much!' i said sobbing on tyler. 'baby' tyler said crying too.

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