I'm a proud Italian

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Were making our way to Italy! im so exited & exhausted I just cant wait to get to Milan. That's where were from! will not my family, but my great grandparents. So were very much Italian like 90%, and im so proud to be a itlian itlians are beautiful. Right now, were leaving olso, a cute little place and the loves there were amazing I love them so much. But im so jet lagged .... its the worst ever. But my loves always make everything better, they make the bad less bad (: . Im so exhausted, so are my vocals, so im about to pass out on this plane, I wanna talk to my loves first though :).


thank u so much oslo!! we love you


*sleeps for 6 eons*

As just I about to grab Toulouse and cuddle with him & pass out, my phone goes off, I sigh..

Ariana- What the fuck! *in a annoyed tone*

Joan- Honey, whats wrong? why don't you just turn that thing off?

Ariana- I should, lemme see who it is and what they want.

Joan- then go to sleep!

Ariana- okay mommy.

From: Seann

Hi baby girl! I miss you a lot, and there's not a min in the day that I go without thinking of you. I just wanted to say hi, and I miss you and I know your killing it on tour, I love you a lot ari. How are you baby girl?

My heart stopped as I read the text. I love Sean, I really do, but why is he doing this to me? he knows I still love him, and I still wanna be with him, don't get me wrong I love when I get text from him, its just ... I don't know, I love when he tells me he loves me, and im not trying to move on..its just were both on tour, and im trying to not miss him a lot and he sends me a heart filled text its just...I just wanna be in his arms, and not on this tour bus!..

To: Seann

Hi love! your actually the sweetest & I love you too (: . Yeah the tour is going amazing its beautiful. And I miss you a lot too, and im doing good, really grateful my loves are the best. How are you & your tour?

from: Seann

That's good baby, and im doing good hanging in there, and the tour is amazing. Every show is always lit very blessed for that.

To: Seann

Also, very good. I miss you like crazy, and when I get home I would like to see you (: . Well, im very jet lagged, and I wanna catch some sleep so I will text you later... I love you baby (: xxxx.

From: Seann

Alright, yeah I would love to see you soon...I love you to my baby :)..

*Seans's POV*

Man, it felt so good to be text ari again. I miss her a lot! and I just want her in my arms, she is such a special girl and she deserves to be on the top of the world. And I was really happy when she said she wants to see me, when she gets home man this girl still knows how to send tingles through my body. Yeah I know that sounds gay, but I don't care I love her. Yes, I still have feelings for her, yes I still love her more then anything. Yes I still wanna be her man, but hey who said love was fair? pain is a consequence of love. As long as were both happy, that's all that matters, I still want her though and I know she still wants me. This is just something me & her both have to go though, and I believe in the near future me and her will be together again, our love was so strong. Until then, we have to be strong, and appreate everything. No one said love was fair, if they did, me and Ari would still be together.

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