[chapter three] the truth about Tate Hale

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Aires pov...

"Der, who's Tate?" I whispered from the doorframe, finally asking the question that had haunted me for months.

I was going to wait, going to leave it. But seeing Aiden, seeing Braden- it sparked something inside of me. A need to know, because everything and everyone was coming back and the control I once had was suddenly slipping through my fingers. I needed to not be in the dark with something. 

I needed the upper hand

I watched with blank eyes as Derek became paralysed, his eyes stuck on me, not making a move to talk. From the top of the stairs, Peter had completely stopped moving as well, his mouth slightly agape. The two of them were completely frozen, scaring the shit out of me. If I wasn't worried before asking, I was definitely worried then.

"Who is Tate Hale?" I repeated whilst crossing my arms over my chest firmly. I was getting an answer before I left, whether they liked it or not. "And don't lie to me."

"Where did you hear that name?" Peter demanded, his hands slightly shaking from what looked like panic.

Peter Hale, panicking.

It was so completely mind blowing to me, watching chills shoot through his body whilst panic swam in his eyes. It was shocking, sickening, it made me question everything I ever thought I once knew. 

"I'm Tate Hale, aren't I?"

The silence only confirmed what I already knew, the truth had finally hit me. Despite my months of knowing, I never really believed it. I desperately tried to pretend as if I had got it wrong. Part of me prayed it wasn't true, even though deep down I knew it was. The coven had told me the truth, so why did it take months before I finally believed it?

"Oh my god." I whispered whilst running my fingers through my hair frantically.

"Aires-" Peter whispered.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I snapped, slowly backing away from the man. "You're all liars." I choked out, unable to control my breathing.

Control yourself, Aires.

"You don't understand, we didn't have a choice in any of this." Peter tried to explain whilst rubbing the back of his neck, a habit he used to do whenever he was nervous, a habit I hadn't seen him do in years

"I'm Tate, Tate Florence Hale. How? Why?" I demanded whilst narrowing my eyes between my so called 'family'.

They knew, they were all liars

"You were never meant to find out any of this, it all goes so much deeper than you know."

A small scoff fell from my lips as I shook my head in annoyance. Of course it was much deeper than I knew.

I didn't know anything.

"When did they change it?" I demanded as I crossed my arms back over my chest.


"When did Talia change it, she did it right? Just like how she stole my memories, how she changed them all."


"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I snapped, blowing out the lightbulb hanging above my head with my uncontrollably rage.  "That's not my name, my name is Tate. I want to know why."

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