[chapter twenty one] lets play a game of murderous hide and seek

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✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Aires pov...

"Are you okay?" Aiden whispered from beside me. 

"Ask me after Melissa has finished the stitches." I shot back through clenched teeth.

"So what happened?" Melissa asked softly. 

"Jennifer Blake happened. I figured out she was the darach and before I could tell Scott she knocked me out. Then she tried to kill me, that is why there is a very large hole in my stomach in case you didn't know-"

"Aires, drop the sarcasm." 

"I just got stabbed, you should be worried if I wasn't being sarcastic."

"True." She shot back with a smile, making me playfully role my eyes which took more effort than it should have. "Now, sweetie, I'm going to need you to stay here. I'll be back to check up on you in twenty minutes, okay?"


I was on all kinds of drugs which were flowing through my veins and making it easier to breathe. I had bruises on my neck, stitches on my stomach and head. I wasn't okay, but I was. I would survive. 

Planting a kiss on my head, Melissa gave me a quick smile before slipping out the room. Ever since we had shown up, the hospital had been chaotic as hell and I had yet to find out why. My lips parted to send Aiden on a mission for answers, but before I could, he jumped out of his seat with a scowl on his face and stormed out of the room. 

"What the fuck is with everyone today?" 

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Aires pov...

It had been thirty minutes and there was no sign of Melissa or Aiden returning to the room, and I was furious. To make matters worse, there was no signal in the hospital so I wasn't even able to call Scott or Stiles to find out if they had warned Derek. I was drenched in my own bloody clothes and exhausted.

I wanted to sleep- or get high as fuck.

"Cora." I whispered before throwing my legs off the other side of the bed and forcing myself onto my feet. My sister was admitted after the locker room event, she would be easy to find. 

But before I was able to reach the door, my feet slid out from underneath me and sent me crashing onto my hands and knees. A burning sensation itched at the back of my throat, leaving me heaving and wheezing as I water for it to come. 

"Mistletoe." I muttered under my breath before the vile substance flew from my mouth and deposited on the floor in front of me.

I was still dying

Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing honey brown eyes that flooded me with relief. "Stiles, what the hell are you doing here?" 

"We're getting you out of here."

"What's happening?"

His arms hooked underneath my legs as he lifted me off the floor and pulled me into his chest. "We are getting your sister as well, the hospital is being evacuated and we know someone who can save her."

"Save her?" I echoed with a frown. "I thought you said her injuries weren't that bad! You fucking liar!" I shrieked before smacking at the boy's chest with my hands.

"I may have not told you the extent of her injuries but I didn't want to worry you, you have enough going on as it is."

"Who can help her, is it Morgan? Did you find her? Is she- No."

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