[chapter twelve] always an object, never a person

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✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Present day...

Thunder rattled through the bus, making Aires stir in her sleep. Her knees were brought up to her chest as she wrapped her arms around them, cocooning herself.

"This is the first bit of actual sleep she's had in days." Stiles whispered to Scott as he watched the girl.  "She's been a ghost for days."

"Allison's worried about her." Scott shot back whilst nervously bouncing his knee. "The night she was kidnapped by the twins she had some type of breakdown at the loft. She thinks Aires hasn't been taking her medication recently."

"Really? Do you think that?" 

"I don't know. But after seeing the state of the loft, I think it's something a lot more than her not taking her meds. I think it has to do with her magic." He was the only one to suggest it, everyone else filled it under her lack of medication and her mental illness, nobody but Scott thought to look beyond it. 

With a sigh, Stiles' gaze dropped back to the blonde at his side. He knew something was different with the girl, something had changed since she had come back from France. The air around her was different, it was as if there had been a shift in the universe that regarded Aires, a change in her aura. And he was determined to work out what it was.

A wince from Scott broke the boy from his trance. "You okay dude?"

"Yeah." The McCall mumbled back, clenching his teeth in pain as he shifted around his seat.

"We shouldn't have come, I knew it. We shouldn't have come."

"There's safety in numbers."

"Well there's also death in numbers, okay? It's called a massacre, or bloodbath, or carnage, slaughter, butchery."

"Stop Stiles." Scott groaned, resting his head against the window.

"Has it healed, let me see it." He mumbled, pulling up the boy's shirt to reveal a still very fresh wound. "Why isn't it healed?"

"Because it's from an alpha, it will take longer."

"Scott, you arent okay-"

"I'm fine. I just can't believe he's dead. I can't believe Dereks dead."

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Twelve hours before...

Aires pov...

With a pounding head and a ringing in my ears, I hesitantly tried to roll onto my side, only to feel a restraint on my body.

"Shh, it's okay. You're okay." A familiar cool voice whispered in my ear as my eyes shot open. "You're gonna be okay, you just have to stay quiet. They aren't gonna hurt you, I won't let them." Aiden mumbled, bringing a scowl to my face as I shuffled away from him.

"Where am I?" I demanded, murder in my eyes. 

A cool breeze flew through the cracks of the brick wall to my side. The room was echoey and eerie, sending a chill down the my. I didn't know where I was, but by the looks of it, I was in trouble if I didn't leave.

"You fucking kidnapped me." I hissed scathingly. "I'll fucking kill you."

"Aires, shut up and listen to me." Aiden shot back. "Deucalion sent me and Ethan to take you but he didn't tell us the real reason why. You're not just the bait, you're a necessary asset to him. So necessary he was willing to kill Enis and Kali on the spot when they made a subtle threat to you. Don't fight it, stay here and stay quiet."

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