[chapter ten] a warning from the darkness

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Aires pov...

High as a kite and drowning in my mind, I found myself in Coaches office reorganising his desk with Isaac and Scott blabbing away to me whilst Stiles lurked in the corner, refusing to look at me.

After giving my statement to the police, I had been excused from the rest of track and shoved into Coaches office. It wasn't the most relaxing place to be, not with Isaac and Scott chatting my ear off.

"The twins are evil." Isaac yelled furiously, making a smirk curl on my lips.

"Agreed." I shot back. "And so is Alex."

"I mean like evil, evil. They killed that boy-"

A frown tugged on my lips as I turned to face the boy. "I don't know about that." I snapped with a small shake of my head. "I agree that they are evil but I don't think they had anything to do with that boy."

"Then what do you think happened?" Scott asked whilst playing with a tennis ball in his hands.

With a sigh, I sunk down onto Coach's chair, kicking my feet onto the desk. "All these bodies have the same injuries, they are all found in the same place, trees. It's not a werewolf doing this, it's someone else, someone who needs more power. The bodies are sacrifices."

"Sacrifices, human sacrifices?" Scott asked hesitantly as his eyebrows pulled together in confusion, making me roll my eyes.

"Yes, Scotty. Human sacrifices." I scoffed. "The bodies were all found around trees and were all killed the same way. They were sacrifices for someone who needed power from nature, from the earth."

"Sacrifices though?" Isaac asked, amusement wavering in his voice.

"Yes Isaac." I spat through gritted teeth, growing more agitated by the second. "They are sacrifices. I was literally sacrificed a few months ago, how are you not grasping what I'm saying?"

"She has a point Scott." Stiles finally mumbled from his space in the corner, sending shivers down my spine. "Your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, hair literally grows from your cheeks and then will immediately disappear. And if I were to stab you right now, it would just magically heal, how are you having trouble understanding that what she is saying is true."

"Because, Dude- The twins showed up and all of a sudden people started dying, how do we know it was not them?"

I was losing my fucking patience with them all.

"Scott, I love you, but are you fucking stupid?" I snapped. "Have you not listened to a word that I just said?"

"Scott, she has been part of this world a hell of a lot longer than us." Stiles mumbled. "She knows things we don't, she's experienced things we haven't. She knows more about magic than any of us ever will. She knows what she's talking about, so why don't you just shut up and listen to her."

As thankful as I was that Stiles jumped to my defence, I kind of wished he hadn't. It made everything so much harder. It made looking at him so much harder.

"I'm sorry, Ree." Scott whispered whilst running his fingers through his hair. "Who do you think is sacrificing people?"

"I don't know." I mumbled whilst chewing on the inside of my cheek. "It's someone who needs power, and lots of it. Someone with magic."

The more I thought about it, the more me throwing up mistletoe started to sound connected to the sacrifices. I wasn't dying from the mistletoe, not really. It would take me months, but she could still feel my body start to change from it. No matter how much sleep I got, I was always tired. I barely had an appetite, and was beginning to feel cold all the time. Obviously I had already called Deaton to tell him about what was happening, though he couldn't offer me much more than what I already knew.

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