[chapter nine] sinking, drowning, dying

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Aires pov...

Nightmares were supposed to come and go, they were supposed to change over time. But what happened when you had the same nightmare every single night since you could remember? Normally I would have woken up with a scream or a yell, however I woke up silent, feeling like I was being suffocated.

My nails scratched at my throat, desperately trying to let the air in. It was as if I was drowning, like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find any oxygen. Suddenly, just like the other night, my back arched as my body lurched over, letting a burning substance fly from my mouth. I tried to gasp, to scream, to yell.

Yet somehow, I still couldn't find any air.

My head was throbbing with pain, my whole body felt on fire as my hands desperately searched on the other side of the bed for Allison. When another wave of nausea hit, I threw my body over the bed and crashed onto the floor with a bang, jolting Allison awake.

Her eyes scanned over the room sleepily until they fell onto me on my hands and knees, covered in a black liquid whilst my whole face paled, finally, she let out a scream. How long could one go without oxygen? At that point surely I was breaking a world record.

Chris swung open the door and yelled in horror as he watched me choke on nothing. My eyes were filled with tears as mistletoe continued to fly out my mouth.


Everything went dizzy, I wasn't sure of what was happening, what I was hearing. My throat felt like it had been ripped into tiny shreds whilst my body felt like it had been hit by a bus. My eyes were barely able to stay open, the voices in my head screamed for me to fight, to keep them open. Maybe it was Chris, or maybe it was Allison. Whoever it was, they were the last voice I heard before my finally fluttered closed and gave into the darkness.

✧∘* ˚.

Aires pov...

Stale air, blinding bright lights and the steady sound of a monitor beeping. A hospital room, I was in a fucking hospital. My sudden movement must've caught someone's attention because before I had the chance to open my eyes I felt someone's presence looming over me.

"You're gonna be okay." Chris softly whispered from beside me, flooding my chest with guilt.

Slowly, I forced my eyes open despite my brain's protest against it. In the corner of the room Allison slept peacefully in the corner whilst Chris sat by my side, his worried eyes locked onto mine.

"Aires, you were throwing up mistletoe." Fuck. "The amount you consumed should've killed you, why did you have it in your system?"

I knew his question would come eventually, I just didn't expect it to come so soon. "You can't tell anyone." I whispered hissed with wide eyes as I forced my aching body to sit up.


"You can't tell anyone Chris, you have to promise me."

"What does it mean?" He asked cautiously whilst nervously fiddling about with his hands.

"Promise me you wont tell anyone, I mean it. Not Melissa, not Derek and especially not Allison." i warned in a low firm voice.

"I promise." He muttered uneasily. "Now explain."

I knew Chris wouldn't tell, he always kept his promises. Just like his rules, the rules I continually broke.

"If I'm throwing up mistletoe it's because someone wants me dead." I bluntly muttered, not bothering to beat around the bush. "Not just anybody, another witch, a powerful one."

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