[chapter twenty six] left in the wreckage of it all

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Aires pov...

Darkness enveloped me as I mindlessly strolled further into the eerie woods, further into the danger of the other side. In the distance, a blonde in a red dress swung on a wooden swing that hung from a tree. Slowly, I walked towards the girl with curious eyes, faintly I could hear singing with the voice of an angel.

"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to..."

She was singing a song, one that I had memorised like the back of my hand. She was singing a song from my childhood, and I couldn't understand why. But the closer I got, the more the lyrics started to make sense.

"I'll cry until the candles burn down this place. I'll cry until my pity party's in flames. I'm laughing, I'm crying. It feels like I'm dying. I'm laughing, I'm crying. It feels like I'm dying. I'm laughing, I'm crying. It feels like I'm dying. I'm dying, I'm dying."

Everyone moved on, everyone moved on with their lives whilst I remained stuck, stuck on the day that everything changed, the day I made the mistake of walking through the wrong door. And I was now stuck throwing my own pity party. 

I squinted my eyes, wanting to see who she was, because I recognised her. She was so eerily familiar. A chill raced down my spine as I placed my hand on her shoulder. And slowly, she turned to look up at me.

It was me

The same person who made me kill my family in my subconscious, the same girl who made Stiles torture me.

In seconds, I was running, running through the woods, running away from her. But as I glanced over my shoulder, my feet came to a suddenly stop. My surroundings had changed once again. I was no longer in the woods but instead in the white hallway that was in my subconscious.

"Aires." A cool voice taunted.

I watched in horror as the violet door down the corridor creaked on its hinges. It was open, I had left it open.  

My soul jumped back into my body, making me spring awake with a gasp as I pulled my bed sheets closer to my body. 

"Hey. What's wrong baby?" Aiden cooed before planting a sloppy kiss on my neck.  

"Nothing." I shot back in a low mumble.

I tried to force a smile onto my lips, tried to comb through my hair with my fingers and pretend everything was fine, but I couldn't  shake the fear from my body. 

It was open

I had left the door open

"What's the time?" Aiden grumbled, bringing out of my thoughts and forcing my attention onto the clock. 

"Oh no." I whispered before springing out of bed and making a beeline for my closet. "No, no, no, no, no." 

Quickly, and ignoring the nausea that crawled up my throat, I ripped off my clothes and quickly slipped on a pair of low rise jeans and threw an off the shoulder top over my head. My mind swayed as I stumbled over my room, desperately searching for my shoes. The effects of last night's partying was still messing with my mind.

"Aiden, get up." I hissed whilst dragging my fingers through my hair in a half assed attempt to get knots and tangles out. "Get up, we have to go to school."

I had to begin to make an effort with the place, I had too many eyes on me to fuck up.

"School?" He echoed back cluelessly. 

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