[chapter two] ghosts of the past

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After a small argument with Chris, and both Aires and Allison agreeing to another hundred stupid rules of his, the Hale finally walked back into Beacon Hills High School. Nothing seemed to have changed since she left. Everyone's eyes still seemed to be on her, whispering about her. For a second, she felt like her old self again.

"Hey babe!" She muttered as she smacked a quick kiss on Lydia's cheek before turning to Allison.

"Still got a headache from the car ride?" The Argent asked amusingly.

"Yes." Aires groaned whilst frantically rubbing at her forehead.

Both Aires and Allison still hadn't talked about the hookup from when her humanity was off, neither one of them wanting to bring it up. It was in the past to them, and they both never wanted to relive that time in their lives.

"So, what are we talking about on an early Monday morning." The Hale mumbled as she punched in her locker combination and swung the familiar metal door open.

"Freshmen." Lydia sighed dreamily. "Tons and tons of fresh men." She sighed, resting her head against the locker with a strange look in her eyes.

A scowl twisted its way on Aires face as she rolled her eyes at the girl. "You mean boys Lyds, some of them are fourteen-"

"Eh, some are more mature than others." She shot back, flicking her hand sassily.

"You know it's okay to be single, right?" The Hale shot back whilst turning to the mirror in her locker to apply a new coat of cherry red lip gloss.

"Focus on yourself for a little while..." Allison trailed off, finishing the sentence with a glum look on her face.

"Guys, I love you. So if you need to do that thing where we talk about me when we're actually talking about you two, then it's totally fine. But, I don't want a boyfriend. I want a distraction."

With a scoff, Aires slammed closed her locker door, ready to throw back a sassy remark until two familiar figures caught her eye, making her blood run cold. It was as if she had been backhanded across the face, a sharp pain shot through her as she watched the ghosts from her past walk towards her. 

Dangerous icy blue eyes, the type of eyes that could captivate you, make you fall in love.

Eyes that had the power to shatter one's soul, eyes that almost shattered the girls soul once. The eyes of a liar, of a master manipulator, of a stranger turned lover turned enemy. The eyes of someone who could so easily betray someone. 

The eyes of the ghost that would forever haunt her.

Aires stood in a trance, her eyes locked onto Aiden's, his locked onto hers. Her body, mind and soul had been paralysed at the sight of him, of him being in her town, in her school, in the same room as her. It had taken months to get rid of him, and even some nights he still haunted her. The what ifs, the what could've been. 

Would've, could've, should'ves.

It wasn't Sage that turned her cold, Sage wasn't the one that turned Aires so heartless. It was Aiden. Sages betrayal angered the girl, it made her into a walking ball of rage. But Aidens was the final straw. Sage never plotted against the girl, she didn't plot the betrayal, even as the betrayal happened, Aires knew Sage hadn't been plotting. 

But Aiden did

He plotted, he corrupted and he ruined her. He was like a drug, addictive- toxic as anything that one could ever be near. 

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