[chapter thirty four] you were only sixteen

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Aires pov...

The answer to the question I had asked the night before got me an response I wasn't ready for.

"They didn't mark behind my ear though." I countered as I attempted to digest the information Allison and Chris unloaded to me.

"I know." Chris mumbled back, a frown tugged at his lip as he rubbed at his jaw.

"What does it mean Dad?" Allison whispered, fear coated her voice as she anxiously squirmed about in her seat. 

"I don't know. But the fact that Isaac was marked and she wasn't isn't good."

"Well what do we do? We have to do something Dad! You said it yourself, they are here for a reason but why? Why did they come after Isaac and now Aires?" 

"Allison, calm down." Chris muttered as the car pulled into the hospital parking lot. "Give me time, we keep this between ourselves, okay? No telling to Lydia, or Scott, Or Aiden. And specifically no Stiles. That was directed to you Aires, no telling your little partner in crime anything."

"Yep, I understood you the last time you said it." I shot back before wrapping my fingers around the door handle, ready to run. 

"Now are you sure you don't want us to come with you to your appointment?"

"I will be fine. I'm doing this by myself, okay? I don't need you guys to hover, or Aiden for that matter- Wait, which one of you told him about the whole police station fiasco last night?"

Somehow, he had found out about my whereabouts and went, in Allison's words 'bat shit crazy'. He had always been over protective but as time went on, I found it harder and harder to try and hide things from him.

"I did Aires. He wouldn't stop calling me." Chris grumbled with an overdramatic roll of his eyes. 

"That isn't my fault, you gave him your number."

"So that I would always be able to contact you in emergencies."

"Your fault." I shot back with a shrug before jumping out of the car. 

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Aires pov...

Walking through the hospital, I bit back the urge to turn around and walk out. The place was haunted. First Peter and his attack, then Jennifer. Nothing good ever happened within its walls. 

Chris' words were still heavy on my mind, still weighing down on me. I had heard what he said, but I was struggling to actually understand what he meant.  

"Stiles what the hell are you doing here?" I demanded with fire in my eyes as I charged at the boy who was standing outside of the room I had to go into.

"I knew you had an emergency appointment and I wanted to be here, you know, just in case." He shot back with a shrug.

As much as I wanted to argue with him, I didn't have the energy to send him away. I wanted to be on my own, but I knew he wouldn't leave, so instead of telling him to leave, I kept my lips closed. 

"Aires sweetheart." Melissa suddenly muttered whilst opening the door. "Come in and have a seat." 

I slipped into the room and hopped onto the hospital bed. "What's up Melissa?" 

I had a blood test, it wasn't anything unusual, it was to monitor my levels after the death incident. She didn't run a tox screen, she didn't know about the drugs- if she had Chris would be sat in the room. I didn't know what she had found, and that unnerved me. 

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