[chapter thirty five] addicted after all

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"I need to talk to her." Aiden muttered to Stiles, Lydia and Alex as he watched Aires. 

She was still at the bar, still downing drink after drink. 

"Leave her." Alex mumbled with a roll of her eyes. 

"What did you say?" Lydia asked with a groan as she rubbed at her temple.

He couldn't tell them, it wasn't fair to expose her secret when she wasn't ready. But that was the question that had been plaguing his mind for days, would she ever be ready? Guilt twisted in his chest as he watched her spiral, something he knew wouldn't have happened if he didn't snap at her. 

"We got into an argument, she broke her promise." 

"Wait what?" Stiles shrieked whilst Lydia shook her head at his words.

"No. Ree doesn't break promises-"

"That's the whole point." Aiden growled back, only to be cut off by Stiles.

"What exactly did you make her promise you?"

Unlike Lydia, Stiles' mind had already begun to come up with a string of possibilities. With the way Aiden was acting, she didn't just accidentally break a promise, she had to have done it on purpose, but why?

"She never had any intention of keeping the promise did she?" He asked, only to receive silence from the blue eyed boy. "Did you even have faith in her?"

"I shouldn't have."

"HEY!" Without a second thought, Stiles grabbed the boy by the neck and slammed him against the wall. "WATCH WHAT YOU FUCKING SAY ABOUT HER!"

"Get off of him." Alex growled, jumping to Aiden's defence. 

"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HER STILES!" Aiden screamed back as he shoved the boy off of his body, creating a small distance between them, though their faces remained close. "Whatever perfect little Aires you knew doesn't exist anymore-"

"You don't know what your on about-"

"Yes I fucking do! I know her better than you ever will. You wanna know why? Because she chose me. She loves me, not you. She's mine-"

The rest of Aiden's words were cut off by Stikes slamming his fist into the boy's jaw. A loud cracking sensation ripped through the air as Aiden stumbled back into the wall. 

Suddenly, the Hale appeared at the twos side after stumbling and shoving her way through the crowd of cramped sweaty bodies.

"Are you two serious right now?" She slurred her words as her hand gripped onto Lydia's arm for support. "You know what, I'm not drunk enough for this conversation. Let's do shots! Alex, come, we'll do shots."

Snatching ahold of the girls hand, Aires dragged Alex and Lydia to the bar whilst Aiden and Stiles trailed close behind. The second they reached the counter, the girl shoved a glass into everyones hand. 

"Down it." 

Without waiting, she chucked down the liquid and watched with a smirk as Alex gagged at the taste. 

"You don't like Tequila?" 

"I don't." Alex hissed before walking away without a word. 

"Aires, we need to talk." Aiden growled, his eyes locked on hers as they communicated in a way that his lips couldn't.

"No." She snapped.

"Aires, I said we need to talk-"

"I said no. Stiles knows Spanish, wanna hear it in that?" She slurred whilst shooting daggers at the blue eyed boy.

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