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Name: Catia Pheobe Fray (Lightwood)

Nicknames: Tia (everyone), Cat (mom), Sis (Clary)

Born: December 1, 1992

Parents: Jocelyn Fairchild- Mother, Robert Lightwood- Father (No one but Jocelyn knows, not even Robert.)

Siblings: Sebastian Morgenstern- older brother, Clary Fray- Older sister, Alec Lightwood- Older brother, Isabelle Lightwood- Older sister, Jace Wayland- Older adopted brother, Max lightwood- Little brother

Sexuality: straight

Likes: Pink, blue, purple, and teal, Clary, her mom, Luke, music, comics, her and Clary's best friend Simon, listening to Simon's music, hanging out with her sister, and martial arts class.

Dislikes: liars, cheaters, one of her brothers when she meets him, and Bullies.

Personality: She is shy at first, but fierce and protective of family, she doesn't trust easily but once she loves, she is as loyal as one can be.

Portrayed by: Kacey Rohl

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