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I was 9 years old and mom said "Cat, Tessa is here." I squealed and ran from my room and straight to her arms. She lifted me up and hugged me tightly "Hey Catibear! Did you miss me?" I smiled at her "You know I did aunt Resa." mom said "What are you two doing today?" she said "We are going to England, it's the day I see Jem and I am taking her to meet him." mom kissed my head "Well have fun, baby." she put me down and grabbed my hand and we stepped through a portal. We appeared on a bridge and saw a guy there. He said "Tessa, you have company?" she smiled "Hi Jem, this is Catia, Catia this is Jem, but his Silent Brother's name is Brother Zachariah." He turned to look at us but unlike other Silent Brothers, his eyes and mouth weren't sewn shut, his eyes were brown with gold flecks. 

I pulled her down to my level and whispered in her ear "He is cute." he smirked and she whispered back "Yes he is." I walked to the edge of the bridge and looked down at the pretty water. He said, "Why did you bring her?" Tessa sighed and grabbed a hold of me "I need a favor." He said "What happened?" she said "Catia is my goddaughter, she is Jocelyn Fairchild's youngest, she reminds me of Lucie... Jocelyn is raising her in the mundane world, by using Magnus, having him make her and her sister forget what they see. The problem is Magnus cant alter her mind as easily as he does her sister's. I want you to help me, summon my father." he said "Tess, he is a greater demon and you want him around an untrained 9-year-old?" she said "I want him to put protection on her, I need to protect her Jem, I can't watch her die. Jocelyn is leaving her to fend for herself, she sees it as protecting her but it is gonna endanger her. Please... if not for me then for this sweet, innocent, little girl. You've always wanted a little girl Jem now that we essentially have one, you gonna tell me that you're ok with letting her die before adulthood? She has almost died 4 times. He conceded and grabbed my hand, and followed her through a portal. 

With that I woke up, I groaned in pain and heard Jason say "She's awake!" All of a sudden I was surrounded, even Magnus Bane was here. I slowly sat up wincing as I moved Magnus said "Careful, we weren't even sure you'd wake up. But I have a question." I nodded and he sat by my feet and traced the mark "Where did you get this?" I said "Oh I just had a dream about that." he said "You did? Well, spill." I said "Some girl my mom knows, Tessa, apparently she is my godmother and I remind her of her daughter Lucie? I think that's her name. Anyway, when I was 9 she took me to a bridge where we met a boy named Jem... he had another name too... Brother... brother... oh yeah Brother Zachariah. That's it, she begged him to help her ask her father to put some kind of protection on me since mom was using you to keep us in the dark. He warned her that bringing a greater demon to a 9-year-old wasn't smart but she said something about him always wanting a little girl and now that they essentially had one could he really stand by and watch me die. He agreed, took my hand, and we went through a portal, now I'm here. I thought it was a birthmark." 

Magnus said, "Do you mean Tessa Gray?" I shrugged he said "This girl?" and he showed me a picture it was of her, Jem, and another boy but they were in old-fashioned clothing. I said "Yeah, and Jem, he really didn't change." Isabelle said, "He is cute." I said "Yeah, I know, I whispered it to Resa but, I think he heard cause he smirked. But I was nine so who knows." Magnus said "Resa?" I said "That's what I called her in the dream and the memory before we left, Aunt Resa." he said, "Oh right her name is Theresa but goes by Tessa." Alec said, "How many warlocks was your mom friends with?" Magnus said, "Tessa Gray is not your average warlock, yes her father was a greater demon, but her mother was a shadowhunter." Jace said, "That's not possible, if a demon impregnates a shadowhunter it results in a stillborn." Jason said, "Her mother had a clockwork angel, which kept her alive in the womb." 

I said "Where is Clary? Is she ok?" Alec said, "Can you two leave Izzy and me alone with our sister?" Magnus and Jason left, and the latter kissed me on the head first. I sat up "Oh god, is she dead?" Alec sat next to me, laying his crutches down, and said "No, she is alive. But... Hodge is gone, Valentine has the Mortal Cup, Jace is Valentine and Jocelyn's son..." I said "Jace is Clary and I's brother?" Alec nodded and continued "Luke and Clary did find your mother, she is in a hospital, but she is unconscious. Clary hasn't been staying here, she has been staying with Luke, and going to see your mom every day. She doesn't want to be a part of our world, it has been a week Tia, but Robert and Maryse are coming back soon." I groaned "Im so not ready for that." Isabelle said "Well then your safe because they aren't here yet. And we will be with you every step of the way, as siblings should be." Jason came back in and said, "Tia, I got to talk to you." I said "Ok whats up?" he sat on the bed taking my hand. "I have to go handle a problem, so I will be out of town for a while." he pushed my hair behind my ear, his gaze moved between my lips and my eyes before he kissed me. It shocked me for a second but then I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

He pulled away and whispered "I'll be back as soon as I can." kissed me one more time before leaving. I fell back against the pillows and smiled, Isabelle said "Ooh." I said "That was my first kiss." she said "Seriously?" Alec said, "Izzy she is 14." I giggled "Yes Izzy and I'll be 15 in 3 and a half months." Alec said, "Hint the word months, as in not currently." I glanced at Izzy "Was he like this when you had your first kiss?" She said, "No, he was worse, I'm a nice sister and kept a hold of him otherwise he would have beat the shit out of him as he did with me." I giggled and we all laid on the bed and talked. 

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