The City of Bones Pt 1

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We stood on the corner of the institute as Clary grumbled "I don't see why we have to leave separately from Brother Jeremiah, What is he embarrassed to be seen with Shadowhunters or something?" Jace pointed out "The brotherhood are Shadowhunters." Clary sarcastically said, "I suppose he went to get his car?" Jace grinned "Something like that." she shook her head "You know, I'd feel a lot better about this if Hodge had come with us." Jace said "What, I'm not protection enough for you?" she said "It's not protection I need right now... it's someone who can help me think. Oh... Simon!" he said "No, I'm Jace, Simon is the weaselly little one with the bad haircut and dismal fashion sense." she said "Oh, shut up, I meant to call before I went to sleep. See if he got home okay." 

Jace said, "With everything that's going on, you're worried about Weasel Face?" I stifled my giggle as Clary said "Don't call him that. He doesn't look like a weasel." Jace said "You may be right, I've met an attractive weasel or two in my time. He looks more like a rat." she said, "He does not..." Jace said "He's probably at home lying in a puddle of his own drool. Just wait till Isabelle gets bored with him and you have to pick up the pieces." Clary said, "Is Isabelle likely to get bored with him?" Jace said "Yes," I tuned them out until a carriage pulled up in front of us, Jace said, "Get in." I got in while Clary stared he pulled her in before swinging himself in after her and said "A personal escort to the Bone City is nothing to turn your nose up at." she said "I wasn't turning my nose up. I was just surprised. I wasn't expecting ... I mean, I thought it was a car." he said, "Just relax, Enjoy that new-carriage smell." I closed my eyes as they started to Bicker again I said "God, guys, can you go one trip without this constant arguing, just screw each other and move on." Clary stared at me in shock as Jace spluttered. 

Clary said, "So why did you want to know who Robert was?" I crossed my arms turning to lean my back against the window to look at them then said "Because One of the three memories I saw he was talking to mom, and another one mom mentioned him to Luke." She said, "What happened in the memory?" I said "We were both with mom, I was 3 and you were 4, he mentioned how he didn't know she had kids, she said she was pregnant with you when she ran, he asked about me and her exact words were 'Don't worry Robert, I'm gonna tell her, I never told you she existed, you don't have to worry about her, and she won't hate you, she'll hate me.' then he asked to hold me, said 'Please Jocelyn just once, please let me hold my daughter.' and she allowed it. He held me close and kissed my head. Mom told him I looked like him and he said I was beautiful and then that was it. She lied to me, she said he didn't know, that she never told him." Jace said "Your Robert Lightwood's daughter?" I said, "I guess so, in the memory mom was explaining it to Luke, she told him that Robert and someone named Maryse were fighting and she was sad."

Jace said, "That's how she excused it?" I said "That's all I know, oh and the last memory was mom fighting a demon that scared me when I was 4. You must have been at Kindergarten because it was just me and mom at the park." Jace said, "Fought it with what?" I said, "It looked like a seraph blade." Clary said, "At least you got something." I said "I didn't want this. I was content not knowing who he was and thinking he didn't know I exist, but I guess he has known about me for the last 11 years and just doesn't want me, And that is worse than not knowing. Plus now I have two siblings who may hate me now." Jace said "Four." I said "Huh?" Jace said, "Alec, Isabelle, me because I'm their adopted kid, and Max our little brother, he is 9." I groaned "This family tree is getting longer by the second." Clary said, "At least your not the youngest anymore." I glared at her "You're not funny." Jace said "I'll change the subject, When my dad died I was ten, We lived in a manor house, out in the country. My father always said it was safer away from people. I heard them coming up the drive and went to tell him. He told me to hide, so I hid. Under the stairs. I saw those men come in. They had others with them. Not men. Forsaken. They overpowered my father and cut his throat. The blood ran across the floor. It soaked my shoes. I didn't move."

Clary said "I'm so sorry, Jace." he said, "I don't understand why mundanes always apologize for things that aren't their fault." I said, "Im grateful for the subject change but you don't have to tell us that." Clary said "I'm not apologizing. It's a way of... empathizing. Of saying that I'm sorry you're unhappy." he said "I'm not unhappy, Only people with no purpose are unhappy. I've got a purpose." I said "Do you mean killing demons, or getting revenge for your father's death?" he said "Both." Clary said "Would your father really want you to kill those men? Just for revenge?" he said "A Shadowhunter who kills another of his brothers is worse than a demon and should be put down like one," she said "But are all demons evil? I mean, if all vampires aren't evil, and all werewolves aren't evil, maybe..." He said "It's not the same thing at all. Vampires, werewolves, even warlocks, they're part human. Part of this world, born in it. They belong here. But demons come from other worlds. They're interdimensional parasites. They come to a world and use it up. They can't build, just destroy... they can't make, only use. They drain a place to ashes and when it's dead, they move on to the next one. It's life they want... not just your life or mine, but all the life of this world, its rivers, and cities, its oceans, its everything. And the only thing that stands between them and the destruction of all this is the Nephilim." 

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